Problem Formulations Objectives of the Study

8 souls inhabit the same physical body. The novel enhances the relation between Wanderer and Melanie in a beautiful way; how the two species interact and actually motivate to help each other although they have so many differences. Another review is from Booklist signifies about the pretty mixture tale about the humanity issues in the novel. Meyer’s ingenious adult-market debut, heavily but not tediously indebted to Invasion of the Body-snatchers, imagines the tangled web of attachments between an alien parasite and the colony of humans to which the alien’s host body once belonged. Meyer boldly chooses to narrate from the perspective of the invading alien, a 1,000-year-old female “soul” named Wanderer, and it is a tribute to the author’s skill that Wanderer is a sympathetic protagonist despite the fact that she tells her tale while clinging to the cerebellum of a human victim, 17- year-old Melanie. escription0316218502ref=dp_proddesc_0?ie=UTF8n=283155s= books According to the quotation above, Meyer makes a significant debut of the alien story for adult readers. Wanderer as the main character and a protagonist describe as kind soul although she posses Melanie’s body. The uniqueness of main character provokes the readers’ curiosity to explore her journey in the novel. Criticisms about Meyer’s character also come from undergraduate thesis by Nurvita Wijayanti a scholar from Sanata Dharma University that uses Twillight novel by Stephen ie Meyer. She stated that “Meyer can describe every character commonly and does not give excessive” 2011: 6. Meyer creates character with ordinary description that is perceptible by the readers. Thus, character in Meyer’s work portrays a conventional view of individual type that is easy to understand. 9 Regarding the criticisms mentioned before, the writer can highlight several important points. First, the story in The Host is amusing to explore because it is a balance mixture of emotion and action. Second, Meyer presents Wanderer, the main character as a unique figure because she is an alien or a soul. Third, those criticisms and reviews help the writer analyze The Host. Although the writer agrees with the criticisms above, the writer has different opinion about in this study. The writer chooses the motivation of Wanderer as the topic by observing her character and her conflicts.

B. Review on Related Theories

Some theories are needed to support the analysis and answer the problems. Those theories are the theories on character and characterization, theories of conflict, and theories of motivation.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

The theories about character and characterization are needed to analyze the major character, Wanderer. In a book Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and Writing, Roberts and Jacobs stated about character and characterization. Character in literature generally, and in fiction specifically, is an extended verbal representation of a human being, the inner self that determines thought, speech, and behavior. Through dialogue, action, and commentary, authors capture some of the interactions of character and circumstance. 1989: 143 From the quotation above, character in fiction is defined as representation of human being that has particular thought, speech, and behavior. Whereas,