Strong Characterization of Wanderer

28 in the city. The Seekers who are following their truck makes Wanderer reacts to struggle to defend her life and Jared. They will be caught if Wanderer does not struggle to try to lying to the Seekers. She does not lose faith to try to talk to the Seekers. She knows that if she tries to talk with them, they will believe in her. Her persistence saves her life and Jared so they can go home safely. By saving Jared, he will think that Wanderer is a good soul. Her persistence to try to talk to the Seekers is only for Jared‘s safety but also for humans in the caves, too. Thus, she saved Jared because she wants to be accepted and loved by human, including him.

4. Smart

Throughout the story, obstacle and hardship happen to Wanderer since she is lives with human. She sees that they live in limitation. They only have few supplies of food, drinks, and medicines. When someone is sick, they are rarely succed to cure people there. Fortunately, she can overcome the problem because she is a smart soul. So, when Jamie is dying because of the infection wound, Wanderer shows that she is a smart soul when she is in the soul‘s healing facility to steal medicines for Jamie. She knows that soul‘s medicines are very effective because it is made of high technology beyond what human has. As Murphy stated that the aut hor can describe ―the characterization by letting the reader knows how the character reacts to particular si tuations and events‖ 1972: 168. The situation makes her reacts smartly to think about how the way to use the medicines is. 29 ―Healing must be a fulfilling profession.‖ My voice sounded just right. Interested, but not unduly so. ―I havent been in a Healing facility since insertion. This is very interesting.‖ ―Yes, I like it.‖ She started spraying my face. ―What are you doing now?‖ She smiled. I gu essed that I was not the first curious soul. ―This is Clean. It will make sure nothing foreign stays in the wound. It kills off any of the microbes that might infect the wound.‖ ―Clean,‖ I repeated to myself. 2013: 606 Wanderer is not a Healer or the calling for a soul that assigned to heal, some kind of doctor. She does not know anything about healing, morover how to use the medicines. From the quotation above, it can be said that she is a smart person because she can persuade the Healer to show how to heal and use the medicines. Her smart idea makes her get the knowledge she needed without offend the Healer. Thus, her cleverness enables her to find solution she needs to solve the problem to heal her beloved Jamie. She cannot stand to see him just die so easily while she can find a way to heal him. By learning it, she does not only save lives but also can teach humans how to heal others. Murphy stated that ―the author can describe the characters in a story through opinion o f another character‖ 1972: 162. Wanderer‘s characterization can also be seen through Jared‘s opinion. ―She walked right into a hospital, right up to the alien there, and asked them to treat her injuries, bold as anything. Then, when they turned their backs, she robbed them blind‖ Jared made it sound exciting. Jamie was enjoying it, too; his smile was huge. ―She walked right out there with medicine enough to last us all for a long time. She even waved at the bugger behind the counter as she drove away.‖ 2013: 626-627 From the quot ation, Wanderer‘s brilliant idea can be seen through her action as told by Jared. Wanderer gives solution to do ―raid‖ without any suspicion 30 because she is one of them. She tricks other souls by making wound so she can steal the medicines. She uses her cleverness to do it because she wants Melanie, Jamie, and also other human to be healthy and nobody dies because of sickness. She shows her cleverness to show them that she truly cares for them.

5. Caring

Wanderer starts to care about Melanie since she is influenced by her memories about her family and love, especially about Jamie and Jared. She realizes that human is also as good as souls. They have the right to live on Earth because they also have positive behaviours. She then resists giving the information ab out them to Seeker. She even rejects the Seeker‘s suggestion to remove into another body, so the Seeker cannot insert herself into Melanie‘s body. She struggles hard by tying to think how to save Melanie‘s life. As Murphy stated, the author give the reader ―straight information of what a characte r is thinking about‖ 1972: 171. If I could find a way, I would keep Melanie out of the Seeker‘s hands. It would be very hard. No, it would be impossible. I would try. I promised her this, but she wasn‘t listening. 2013: 105-106 The quotation shows that she cares about Melanie‘s safety. Since they share the same body, they become close. They become sort of sister or old friends. Thus, Wanderer does not want bad thing happen to Wanderer. She knows that the Seeker may kill Melanie if she occupies her body. It is very difficult for her to hide from Seeker‘s eyes. However, she promised Melanie that she will