Reflection Using handouts of the materials

P Kalau menurut ibu mereka tertarik juga nggak kalau materinya diberi gambar-gambar yang terkait dengan teks? Did you think that the students attract to the materials? GBI Ya jelas tertarik ya mbak. Kan bisa lebih membantu mereka dalam mengerjakan tugas itu juga. Absolutely, they attracted to the materials . The materials could help students in doing their tasks. P Kalau menurut ibu, materi yang saya berikan sudah cukup menarik apa masih kurang ya bu? What‟s about the materials given? Were the materials attractive enough to the students? GBI Sudah sangat menarik kok mbak. Cukup itu. Bervariasi juga. I guessed that the materials given were attractive and varied.

c. Using handouts of the materials

A handout which was distributed during the teaching and learning process helped the students in studying the materials. Besides, by giving the materialsin the form of handout, the students could pay more attention on my explanation. Sometimes, they only made notes from my explanation or wrote the difficult words. Interview 20 HariTanggal : April 2014 Responden : P Peneliti, GBI Guru BahasaInggris P Oia bu, satu pertanyaan lagi, kalau menurut ibu, dengan adanya handout yang saya bagikan sebelum saya memulai pelajaran itu, apakah berpengaruh terhadap pembelajaran siswa? Okay Mam, my last question, what did you think about the use of handout? Was it influential in my teaching learning process? GBI Iya mbak, bagus itu. Lebih praktis juga. Siswa tidak perlu mencatat apa yang mbak jelaskan. Mereka hanya mencatat penjelasan yang perlu- perlu saja. Sehingga mereka bisa fokus sama pelajaran. I thought that it was good and practical. The students didn’t need to make some notes about your explanation. They just made some important notes from the explanation. So, they could focus in the learning process.

d. Giving rewards to the best group, the best pair and the best reader

As the researcher promised in the first meeting cycle 2, she gave the reward for the best students and the best group reader from the class. The best reader was