Popowia lanceolata Merrill Popowia parvifolia Scheffer

MALESIA REGION Luzon Fig. 41. Distribution of Popowia lanceolata Merrill

24. Popowia parvifolia Scheffer

Popowia parvifolia Scheffer in Ann. Jard. Buitenz. ii 1885 15 - 16. - Type : New Guinea, Manokwari, Arfak, Hattam, Jul 1875, Beccari n.294 FI n.v. not seen in BO and L. Young twigs black, glabrous. Petiole extremely short less than 1 mm. Leaves 3.5 – 6 by 5 – 9 mm, on both side narrow, lanceolate, apex acuminate - obtuse, base acute, unequal side, on the underside dense pilose, on the upperside beside midrib glabrescent, Inflorescence, hair spread, golden yellow – dark brown dense strigose, peduncle short, pseudo-terminal or extra-axillary, several – flower, bract. Sepals ovate, acute, on the outside pilose, on the inside glabrous, corolla not yet opening at present short; corolla flower buds globose flower opening absence without; Outer petals sepal long, concave, base narrowed, on the outside pilose; Inner petals base narrow but not at all, clawed, apex lightlymiddley coherence, with sub bent inward, outwardouter of the same length but narrow; stamen 13, like a bunch of grape, 3 in rows, connective broadly; carpel 8, strongly pilose, stigma coherence but not at all in with convergent; ovule singlesolitary on the upper side basal; fruits absent. DISTRIBUTION : New Guinea : Arfak Mt. Manokwari. ECOLOGY : Commonly grows in primary rain forest with altitude 235 meters above sea level. NOTES : The leaves are lanceolate and petioles less 1 mm long. SPECIMENS EXAMINED : NEW GUINEA, Manokwari, Arfak, Hattam, Jul 1875, Beccari n.294 FI n.v. not seen in BO and L. District Milne Bay, fl., Woiatabu Mt. Kilkerran, 6 Dec 1976, J.R. Croft 71008 L. MALESIA REGION MALESIA REGION Fig. 42. Distribution of Popowia parvifolia Scheffer. 1 2 1. Manokwari, Arfak 2. District Milne BayWoiatabu

25. Popowia papuana Scheffer

Popowia papuana Scheffer in Ann. Jard. Buitenz. ii 1885 15. - Type : New Guinea, Andai, Beccari 563 n.v. not seen in BO and L The petioles are hardly are 1 – 1.5 mm long. Leaves 6 – 10 by 1.5 - 2 cm, the largest ones are distinctly wedge-shape at the base, the leaves are never acuminate, upper surface glabrous except the midrib, below they possess a light indumenta on the nerves and few hairs on the parenchime; the nerves are almost dressees. Inflorescence, the buds are covered by hairs which are more hairs, sessile, with a brownish colour. The flower parts have the same indumenta as the buds; the peduncles 1.5 cm long; the pedicels 3 mm long. The carpels 4 - 4.5 mm by 3 mm, stalk only 1 mm long. DISTRIBUTION : New Guinea : Andai Manokwari. ECOLOGY : Grows in primary rain forest on coral covered limestone, low altitude. NOTES: The above description is taken from the Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg. SPECIMENS EXAMINED : NEW GUINEA : Andai, Beccari 563 MALESIA REGION MALESIA REGION Fig. 43. Distribution of Popowia papuana Scheffer.