Popowia clavata Diels A Taxonomic Revision Of The Genus Popowia Endlicher (Annonaceae) in Malesia

SPECIMEN EXAMINED. PAPUA NEW GUINEA PNG. S e p ik D i s t r i c t : Sepik Gebit, 1912-1913, C.L. Ledermann 10099 paratype: BO, L; Sepik Gebiet, 1912 – 1913, C.L. Ledermann 10208 L; Sepik Gebiet, fr. 1912 – 1913, C.L. Ledermann 12827 paratype : BO, L. Morobe District: Aseki valley ca. 2 miles South East of Aseki, fr. 27 Apr 1966, R. Schodde and L.A. Craven 5059 L. 1 2 1. Sepik Gebit 2. Morobe Aseki valley Fig. 24. Distribution of Popowia clavata Diels MALESIA REGION MALESIA REGION

11. Popowia shefferiana Diels

Popowia shefferiana Diels in Engl. Jahrb. 49 1912 136. - Type : Beccari 291, New Guinea FI n.v. BO, L. Shrub or small tree 2 – 10 meter high with spreading, slender. Young twigs the grey - blackish colored, glabrous. Petioles 4 mm long, glabrous. Leaves 6.5 – 12 by 2.8 – 4.5 cm, elliptic - lanceolate, shortly acuminate, base cuneate, unequal-side, chartaceous, both surface subgranular, the upper glabrous – glossy, the lower glabrous on the midrib and nerves; nerves 7 – 9 pairs; reticulation prominent, scalariform fine. Flowers extra-axillary. Petals at the base connate; the outer ones more than shorter, their shape and size about the same as the sepals the inner ones two times as long, at the base not clawed but subcordate, the top margin swollen, and lightly coherent, folded in wards; stamens 12, in two rows, the connective at the base, ovaries 8, ovule one; stigma falled, papillose; fruit small, globose. DISTRIBUTION : MOLUCCAS : Kairatu Ceram Island; Totodoku Morotai Island. NEW GUINEA : PAPUA IRIAN JAYA Province Aru Archipelago Kobroor Island; Mamberamo Jayapura; Pami, Tafelberg, and Sidei Manokwari and PAPUA NEW GUINEA PNG Yapa Sepik District; Morobe Morobe District; Middle Tauri R. Gulf District, Brown R., Kurira, Maipa, Mori R., and Port Moresby Central District, Brahman Madang District. ECOLOGY : Disturbed in lowland rain forest on flats, on coral covered limestone by primary forest. NOTES : Native name: Mak’lum, fafima - afuy Kobroor; kumiyagka Waskuk - ambunti, Fahabi Wagu- Ambunti – Sepik District. MALESIA REGION 3 SPECIMEN EXAMINE : MOLUCCAS. W. Ceram is., Kairatu,fr. 4 Jun 1959, K. Kartawinata et al. 68 BO, L. Tatodaku, Morotai, fl.+fr.14 May 1949, A Kostermans 765 BO. NEW GUINEA. IRIAN JAYA. P. Kobroor, Aru Is., fl. 27 Oct 1994, H.P. Nooteboom 5916 BO, L; P. Kobroor, Aru Is., fl.+fr. 1 Nov 1994, H.P. Nooteboom 6002 BO, L. Manokwari : Tafelberg, fl.+fr. 12 Jun 1956, C. Kalkman 3510 BO; R. Pami, fl.+fr. 22 Aug 1957, C.H. Koster 4361 BO; Sidei, fl.+fr. 28 Mar 1958, H.A. van de Sijde 5571 BO. Jayapura. Mambramo Albatros, Nov 1926, Dr. van Leeuwen 11295 BO, L. PAPUA NEW GUINEA PNG. Central District : Kuriva, fl.fr. 4 May 1971, H. Streimann et al. 51511 BO, L; Mori R., Abu sub dist., fl.+fr. 12 Feb 1969, E.E. Henty et al. 41849 L; Mori R., fl.+fr. 21 Apr 1964, C.D. Sayers 19652 BO, L; Brown River, fl.+fr. 30 Jun 1981, A. Kairo 615 L; Kairuhu, fl. 20 Sep 1962, P.J. Darbyshire 1000 BO, L. Gulf District. Mid. Tauri River., fl.+fr. 14 Mar 1966, L.A. Craven et al. 1032 L. Morebe District. Sattelberg, fl.+fr. 20 Dec 1935, J. Clemens 1312 L. Sepik District : Hunstein River, Ambunti Sub dist., fl.+fr. 25 Jul 1966, R.D. Hoogland et al. 10647 L. Port Moresby, Fl.+fr. 15 Aug 1967, A. Kairo et al. 30902 L. Madang District, Bundi, fl.+fr. 17 Mar 1972, E.E. Henty 49252 BO.

12. Popowia polytricha Diels

1. Tatodaku, Morotai 4. P. Kobroor, Aru Is 7. Gulf District. Mid. Tauri River. 2. W. Ceram isl., Kairatu 5. Mambramo Albatros 8. Morebe District. Sattelberg 3. Manokwari : Tafelberg 6. Madang District, Bundi 9. Port Moresby Fig. 25. Distribution of Popowia schefferiana Diels. 2 4 5 6 7 8 3 9 1