Popowia platyphylla Diels A Taxonomic Revision Of The Genus Popowia Endlicher (Annonaceae) in Malesia

Kaiserin, Sepik 1 MALESIA REGION MALESIA REGION Fig. 27. Distribution of Popowia platyphylla Diels. 1

14. Popowia nooteboomii Moeljono. sp. nov. - Fig. 29 p.77.

Popowia nooteboomii Moeljono Type : Papua, Kobroor Isl., fr. 22 Oct 1994, H.P. Nooteboom 5842 L. Folia chartacea, oblonga – oblanceolata, apice acuminata, basa cuneata, inaequilateralis, supra glabra, 6 – 11 cm longa, 2 – 3 cm lata, nervi prominuli, laterales primarii 5 – 7, pedicellis 12 mm longis. Shrub 1 m high. Young twigs brown - tomentulose, the older dark colour, glabrous, striate. Petiole 1 - 2 mm long. Leaves chartaceous, oblong - oblanceolate, acuminate, base cuneate, unequal side, the upper glabrous, the lower adpressed glabrous on the midrib and veins; nerve 5 – 7 pairs prominent curving very oblique; reticulation faint, scalariform very fine; length 6 – 11 cm.; breadth 2 – 3 cm. Flower extra axillary, single. Pedicels 12 mm long. Sepals 1,5 mm long, ovate, acute, spreading, nearly as large as the outer petals tomentose outside, glabrous inside. Petals the outer 1,5 mm long, rounded, densely pubescent outside, glabrous inside; the inner slightly longer up to 3 mm, incurved at the apex. Stamens 12, short, ca. 1 mm long, broad, the connective truncate, flat-topped or slightly concave. Ovaries 4 or 6, pubescent with white hair, style very short, stigmas wedged-shaped to sub- capitate, grooved at the top and adaxially, the surface rough but glabrous, usually adhering to form a disc. DISTRIBUTION. NEW GUINEA : Koba island and Kobroor island Aru Archipelago. ECOLOGY. Grows in primary rain forest on coral covered limestone, low altitude. Aru Is. : Kobroor Isl.; Koba Isl. NOTES : This species can be distinguished with other species by pedicel 12 mm long, and its probably nearest to P. bancana. They have similar leave texture chartaceous with the lower surface glabrous. SPECIMENS EXAMINED. NEW GUINEA : Kobroor Isl., fr. 22 Oct 1994, H.P. Nooteboom 5842 L; Kobroor Isl., fr. 27 Apr 1993, M. van Balgooy et al. 6487 L; Koba Isl., fr. 3 Nov 1994, M. van Balgooy 6801 BO. 1 MALESIA REGION MALESIA REGION Fig. 28. Distribution of Popowia nooteboomii Moeljono 1