History of Research on Popowia Endl. in Malesia

The genus Popowia name can be found in Genera Plantarum secundum Ordines Naturales page 831 in 1839 by Stephano Endlicher, which he named as Popowia pisocarpa. It was based on the name Guatteria pisocarpa Blume in Bijdragen tot de Flora van Nederlandsch Indie page 21 in 1825 and in Systema Vegetabilium Vol. IV Part II, page 214.28 is basonym. Guatteria pisocarpa transferred to Popowia pisocarpa in Walp. Repert. 1 1842 74 by Endlicher and Bocagea pisocarpa Bl. in Flora of Java. Anon 1830 p.90, Tab. 45 is synonim of P. pisocarpa. The reason for these changes will be found in the systematic section i.e. position of inflorescence or single flower leaf-opposite, aestivation of corolla valvate, inner petals longer than outer ones, shape of petals clawed, coherent of petals with reproductive organs, numbers of carpels 2- 20, numbers of ovule per capel 2 – 5 and placentation of ovule lateral.

2.3. History of Research on Popowia Endl. in Malesia

The first species currently placed in the genus Popowia was Popowia pisocarpa which described by Ejusd as Guatteria pisocarpa from G. Parang, Tjiandjoer Cianjur, West Java. Guatteria pisocarpa transferred to Popowia pisocarpa in Walp. Repert. 1 1842 74 by Endlicher; Bocagea pisocarpa Bl. is synonim of P. pisocarpa. Other species of Popowia were published by Hooker and Thomson 1855 published Popowia ramosissima Malay Peninsula in Flora Indica Vol.1 page 105. Miquel 1865 published in Annales Musei Botanici Lugduno Batavi Volume 2, page 20 – 22 namely, P. affinis and P hirta Sumatra, P. rufula Borneo, P. cuspidate Java and P. novoguineensis New Guinea. In 1872 Hooker and Thomson published again seven species from Malay Peninsula namely, P. ramosissima, P. beddomeana, P. herferi, P. pauciflora, P. foetida, P. nervifolia and P. tomentosa in The Flora of British India Vol. 1. page 68-70. In 1885, Scheffer published four species of Popowia namely, P. bancana Bangka, P. papuana, P. beccarii and P. parvifolia New Guinea in Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg Vol. 2, page 15 - 17. In 1893, King published twelve species from Malay Peninsula namely, P. pauciflora, P. ramosissima, P. nitida, P. herferi, P. foetida, P. perakensis, P. fusca, P. velutina, P. tomentosa P. nervifolia, P. kurzii and P. hookeri in Journal Asiatic Society Bengalis Part 2 Natural History Vol. 61, page 92 -98. In 1901, Lauterback K. Schumman described P. cyanocarpa New Guinea in Nachr Flora Deutsch Sudsee page 317. In 1908, Merrill described P. polyandra Philippines in The Philippine Journal of Science Vol. 3, page 224. In 1921, he described P. lanceolata Philippines in The Philippine Journal of Science Vol 17, page 252. Later in 1923, he transferred P. polyandra from Philippines to P. pisocarpa in An Enumeration of Philippine Flowering Plants Vol. 2, page 164. In 1912, Diels described P. schefferiana and P. pachypetala New Guinea in Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflan-zengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie page135 -138. In 1915, he again described P. clavata and P. platyphylla New Guinea in Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie page181-182. In 1929, he described Popowia polytricha New Guinea in Journal of The Arnold Arboretum. Vol. X : 76. In 1931 he described P. odoardi Borneo in Notizblatt des Koniglich Botanischen Gartens und Museum zu Berlin Vol. XI, page 82. In 1913, Ridley published five species of Popowia P. ramosissima, Popowia pisocarpa, P hirta, P. tomentosa and P. novoguineensis in Sarawak Musei Journal Vol.1, Part 3, page 87. In 1922, he published ten species of Popowia from Malay Peninsula namely, P. ramosissima, P. pauciflora, P. foetida, P. perakensis, P. fusca, P. velutina, P. nervifolia, P. nervosa, P. pumila and P. tomentosa in The flora of the Malay Peninsula Vol.1, page 74 - 79. Later in 1926, he published again P. rufescens Siberut in Royal Botanic Garden Kew Bullentin of Miscellaneous Information Vol. 14, page 59. Finally, in 1955, Sinclair published six species and one variety of Popowia from Malay Peninsula namely P. pisocarpa, P. pauciflora, P. fusca, P. velutina, P. perakensis, P. tomentosa and P. tomentosa var. crinita; and Popowia ramosissima, P. rufula, P. affinis and P. rufescens transferred to P. pisocarpa and; P. foetida to Neouvaria foetida, P. nervifolia to Trivalvaria macrophylla, P. nervosa to Trivalvaria nervosa, P. pumila to Trivalvaria pumila in The Gardens Bulletin Singapore Vol. XIV, Part 2, page 149 – 516.

2.4. Distribution and Ecology