Popowia cyanocarpa Lauterb and K. Schum Popowia novoguineensis Miquel

MALESIA REGION MALESIA REGION Fig. 22. Distribution of Popowia cyanocarpa Lauterb. and Schum. 1. Kaiser Wilhel mt., 2. Sepik district, Ambunti 1 2

9. Popowia novoguineensis Miquel

Popowia novoguineensis in Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II 1865 – 1866 21. - Type : New Guinea, pres de Ramoi, Beccari P.P. 367 n.v. Leaves , length 8.5 – 12 cm, breadth 3.5 – 4 cm, elliptic – oblong or lanceolate, apex subacuminate, base acute, chartaceous, the upper surface shining, glabrous, sub-granular, the lower surface pubescent, on both side tomentose on the midrib; nerves 6 – 8 pairs; reticulation prominent, reticulate; petioles short, 2 – 3 mm long. Flower axillary or subterminal. Sepal ovate, acute sparingly minutely pubescent; carpel ca. 10, oblique narrowly ellipsoid pale yellow. Covered with strigal strigilose with the ovule solitary mature from cylindrical not enough thickened ca. eight together stipitate globose or sub globose. DISTRIBUTION : NEW GUINEA. PAPUA West Papua Province: Mysole isl. Waigama. ECOLOGY : Commonly grows in secondary or primary forest. NOTES : Leaves chartaceous, base acute, nerves 6 – 8 pairs, reticulate. SPECIMEN EXAMINED. NEW GUINEA. IRIAN JAYA. : Mysola Isl., Waigama, fl.+fr. 1886, Teysmann 821BO. 1 2 MALESIA REGION MALESIA REGION Mysol Isl., Waigama Fig. 23. Distribution of Popowia novoguineensis Miquel

10. Popowia clavata Diels

Popowia clavata Diels in Engl. Jahrb. III 1915 181. - Type : Kaiserin Augusta Fluss, Felsspitze, im Gebirgswald 1400 - 1500 m alt, bluehend am 5 Aug 1913, Ledermann 12633 B n.v.; paratype Ledermann 10099 BO,L, 12711, 12827 BO,L. Shrub or trees 1 – 15 m high. Young twigs greyish - dark brown, glabrous, striate. Petioles 3 – 6 mm long. Leaves length 12 – 19 cm, breadth 4.5 – 6.5 cm, dry shining, narrowly ovate, elliptic, apex acuminate or obtuse, base cuneate, unequal-sided, chartaceous, on both side pilose when young leaves, upper surface glabrous and lower surface pubescent in adult leaves, the lower glabrous on the midrib and veins, nerves 6 – 7 pairs, angle acute ascending having a direction up wards with an oblique base, reticulation prominent, scalariform, variously size. Flowers in corymb little a cluster of flowers, peduncle with few flowers, 2 – 12 mm long; pedicel 6 – 10 mm long, very straight conspicuous clavate club-shapegradually thickening up wards from a very tapering base – thickened sub middle bracteole. Sepal , 3 mm length, 2.5 mm wide, triangular – ovate, concave, pubescent; Petals whitish, base connate; outer petal, 4.5 mm length, 2.5 mm wide, obovate – elliptic, pubescent; inner petal 2.5 mm length, 3 mm wide, thick, excavatus. Stamens 18, carpel 4; stigma sub-pyriform, obtuse. Ripe carpels 1. DISTRIBUTION : NEW GUINEA. PAPUA NEW GUINEA PNG: Sepik District Sepik Gebit and Morobe District Aseki valley. ECOLOGY : Disturbed in primary forest on limestone hill, with altitude up to 120 meters above sea level. NOTES : The upper surface of leaf glabrous, chartaceous, petioles up to 6 mm long and ripe carpel 1. SPECIMEN EXAMINED. PAPUA NEW GUINEA PNG. S e p ik D i s t r i c t : Sepik Gebit, 1912-1913, C.L. Ledermann 10099 paratype: BO, L; Sepik Gebiet, 1912 – 1913, C.L. Ledermann 10208 L; Sepik Gebiet, fr. 1912 – 1913, C.L. Ledermann 12827 paratype : BO, L. Morobe District: Aseki valley ca. 2 miles South East of Aseki, fr. 27 Apr 1966, R. Schodde and L.A. Craven 5059 L. 1 2 1. Sepik Gebit 2. Morobe Aseki valley Fig. 24. Distribution of Popowia clavata Diels MALESIA REGION MALESIA REGION