4.6. Taxonomy

Popowia Endl. Popowia Endl. in Walp. Repert. 1 1842 74; Sinclair, J. 1955. Gard. Bull. Sing. Vol. 14 Part 2 : 149 - 516. Type Species : Popowia pisocarpa Blume Endlicher. Shrub or small trees. Leaves granular or subgranular in texture, glabrous, pubescent or tomentose. Flower rather small, single or in fascicle, opposite the leaves. Sepal 3, valvate. Petal 6, valvate, thick; outer small, spreading, slightly larger than the sepals; inner large than the outer, concave inside, somewhat connivent and erect, their edges at first adhering, later free, their apices often incurved, base shortly clawed, sometimes the outer and inner united at the base forming a sympetalous corolla. Stamens cuneate with broad, flat-topped or slightly concave connectives, number of stamens 10 – 18. Ovaries 3 - 12, ovoid to oblong; style very short; stigma sub-capitate or wedge-shape, grooved on the top and down the inner side. Ripe carpels globose or ovoid, sub-sessile or stalked. Seed 1- 4, rugose or pitted and with a circumferential ridge. Distribution : About 90 species, majority from Tropical Africa. The remainder, Madagascar, S.India, Burma, Siam, Malaya, Indo-China, Malay island to Australia. There are twenty four species and one varieties of Popowia Endl. are recognized in Malesia, but this genus is absent in Lesser Sunda islands Nusa Tenggara. KEY IDENTIFICATION TO THE SPECIES OF POPOWIA ENDL. IN MALESIA 1. Leaves elliptic or oblong – ovate. 2. Reticulation not visible in adult leaves. 3. Inner petal 2 mm long, fruit has one seed …………..…… P. pisocarpa 3. Inner petal 5 mm long, fruit has more than one seed…….P. pauciflora 2. Reticulation visible in adult leaves. 4. The upper surface leaf pubescent – tomentose 5. Leaves chartaceous or coriaceous, nerves up to 10 pairs 6. Leaves oval, pubescent beneath with thickened pubescent edge; nerves 9 - 10 pairs; ripe carpel globose …..……….… P. fusca 6. Leaves less oval, pubescent to tomentose; nerves 6 – 7 pairs; ripe carpel elliptic – ovoid ……………………..… P.velutina 5. Leaves membraneous, nerves more 12 pairs 7. Apex acute or shortly acuminate, nerves 12 pairs, tomentum of leaf short and dense with hairs 1 mm long ….. P. tomentosa 7. Apex caudate – acuminate, nerves 16 – 18 pairs, tomentum of leaf less dense, hair 2 mm long …….. P. tomentosa var. crinita 4. The upper surface of leaf glabrous - glossy 8. Leaves chartaceous or coriaceous 9. Petiole more than 2 mm long, ripe carpel globose. 10. Leaves base obtuse – cordate, nerves 11 pairs or more, ripe carpel elliptic ……………………..…. ………. P. hirta 10. Leaves base acute – cunneate, nerves up to 9 pairs, ripr carpel globose. 11. Midrib on lower surface hairy 12. Leaves base cunneate and slight rounded, scalariform …………..…..………. P. cyanocarpa 12. Leaves base acute, reticulate …. P. novoguineensis 11. Midrib on lower surface glabrous 13. Lower surface pubencent in adult leaves, reticulation prominent, pedicel up to 10 mm long …………………………….... P. clavata 13. Lower surface glabrous, reticulation fine, pedicel 5 mm long ………... P. schefferiana 9. Petiole less than 3 mm long 14. The lower surface of leaves pilose or pubescent 15. Peduncle 5 - 7 mm long ……….….......... P. polytrica 15. Peduncle short 2 - 3 mm long ………… P.platyphylla 14. The lower surface of leaves glabrous 16. Pedicel up to 12 mm long .................... P. nooteboomii 16. Pedicel 1,5 mm long ………….….……… P. bancana 8. Leaves membranous 17. The lower surface of leaves pubescent – tomentose 18. Petiole 5 – 7 mm long, nerves 6–7 pairs ……..… P. hentyii 18. Petiole 3- 4 mm long, nerves 10 pairs ……. P. perakensis 17. The lower surface of leaves glabrous 19 Petiole less 2 mm long, base obtuse or cordate 20. Obtuse leaf base, nerves 8 – 11 pairs ….. P. beccarii 20. Cordate leaf base, nerves 13 – 14 pairs .... P. cordata 19. Petiole 3 mm long or more, base cunneate 21. Midrib on lower surface hairy, pedicel 2 – 5 mm long, ripe carpel pubescent ………… P. odoardi 21. Midrib on lower surface glabrous, pedicel up to 10 mm long, ripe carpel glabrous 22. Trees, ripe carpel ellipsoid …… P. cuspidata 22. Shrub, ripe carpel globose, glabrous……… …………………..………… P. pachypetala 1. Leaves lanceolate 23. Petiole more than 2 mm long ………………..……...… P. lanceolata 23. Petiole less 1 mm long. 24. Leaves 3.5 – 5 cm long, 5 – 9 mm wide …..…........... P. parvifolia 24. Leaves 7 – 10 cm long, 1.4 - 2 cm

1. Popowia pisocarpa Blume Endlicher - Fig.11 p.43

Popowia pisocarpa Blume Endlicher in Walp. Repert. 1 1842 74; Boerlage in Icon. Bogor 1 Fasc. 2 1899 144; Koorder et Val. in Meded. Lands Plantent. 61 1903 339; Ridley in Sarawak Mus. Journ. 13 1913 87; Merrill Enum. Phil. Fl. Plants 2 1923 164; Craib, Fl. Siam. Enum. 1 1925 47; Ast in Suppl. Fl. Gen. L’Indo-Chine 1 1938 90. Sinclair in Gard. Bull. Singapore XIV 1955 468 - 472. Bocagea pisocarpa Blume. - Type: Fl. Jav. Anon. 1830 90, T.45. Basonym : Guatteria pisocarpa Blume in Bijdr. I 1825 p. 21. Popowia ramosissima Wallich Hooker, f. et Th. Fl. Ind. 1 1855 105 et in Fl. Br. Ind. 1 1872 68; King, Mat. F.M.P. Vol. 1 No. 4 1892 341 et in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calc. 4 1893 117 Pl. 159 B; Ridley, F.M.P. 1 1922 75. Guatteria ramosissima Wall. Cat. 1832-47 Nos. 7274 and 8006, nomen nudum.Type: Wall. Cat. 1832-47 Nos. 7274 and 8006 P. rufula Miquel in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 2 1865 20. Type: Borneo, South Borneo, Mt. Pamatton and Sakoembang, Korthals s.n. n.v. not seen in BO and L P. affinis Miquel in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 2 1865 20. Type: Sumatra, West Sumatra, Korthals s.n. n.v. not seen in BO and L P. polyandra Merrill in Philp. Journ. Sc. Bot. 3 1908 224. B. polyandra Presl, Rel. Haenk. 2 1835 77. Type: Philippines. Luzon, Sorsogon Prague, Haenke s.n. n.v. P. rufescens Ridley in Kew Bull. 1926 59. Type: Sumatra, West Sumatra, Mentawai Islands, Siberut, 1924, SFN 14607 Boden Kloss BO. Orophea minahassae Boerlage in Koorder Meded. Lands Plantentuin 19 1898 336. Type : Celebes, Kajoewatoe, Alt. 50 m. asl., Koorders 16026 BO, L and 16028 BO, L. Shrub or small tree 3 - 7 m high with spreading, slender. Young twigs rufous - pubescent, the older dark brown, glabrous, striate and with numerous leaf scars. Petioles 2 - 5 mm long, pubescent. Leaves, 5.5 - 14 by 2.5 - 7 cm, elliptic to lanceolate, sometimes slightly obovate, shortly acuminate, base narrowed and slightly rounded, unequal-sided, membranous, both surface minutely granular like parchment midrib, the lower adpressed-rufous-pubescent on the midrib and veins pubescence; nerves 6 - 10 pairs, curving, then rather straight, ascending steeply