Popowia cuspidata Miquel Popowia pachypetala Diels

MALESIA REGION 1. Ujung Kulon 2. Kediri fl.+fr. 12 May 1992, J.A. Mc.Donald 3344 BO. Kediri, fl.+fr. 23 Feb1914, C.A. Becker 11842 BO. Fig. 39. Distribution of Popowia cuspidata Miquel J A V A 2 1

22. Popowia pachypetala Diels

Popowia pachypetala Diels in Engl. Jahrb. 49 1912 136. - Type : New Guinea, Ramu Kenejia, 8 Oct 1908, Schlechter 18352 B n.v. Shrub. Young twigs dark brown. Petiole 3 –5 mm long. Leaves 10 – 18 by 4 – 6 cm, ovate – elliptic or sub obovate, acuminate, the young dense rusty light brown with a little mixture of red – sericeous presently, glabrous, membranous, pale beneath, variously an irregular. Flowers fascicle or cluster of pedicels one to each or often in corymb little a cluster of flowers, pedicel 1 cm long. Sepal 1 – 1.3 mm long, broadly ovate, on the out side pilosa. Petals 2 – 3 mm long, on the out side pilosa, thick base united; outer petals ovate; inner petals thick base narrow, hollowed out in a curve. Stamen 10 – 12, short, carpel 3, dense pilose; stigma capitate or flattened from above covered over. Ripe carpel globose, glabrous, 1.5 cm long. DISTRIBUTION : NEW GUINEA. PAPUA NEW GUINEA PNG : Ramu Kenejia, Gebirges and Saugueti – Etappe. ECOLOGY : Commonly grows in forest NOTES : The above description is taken from the Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg. SPECIMENS EXAMINED : NEW GUINEA, Ramu Kenejia, 8 Oct 1908, Schlechter 18352 B. Ramu Kenejia, PNG 1 MALESIA REGION MALESIA REGION Fig. 40. Distribution of Popowia pachypetala Diels. 1

23. Popowia lanceolata Merrill

Popowia lanceolata Merrill in Philipp. Journ. Sc. xvii. 1920 252. - Type : Philippine, Luzon, 12 May 1919, Ramos Pascasio 35186 BO, L. A tree, about 8 m high, the branches and branclets terete, the former glabrous, nearly black when dry, slender, the latter more or less ferruginous - pubescent. Petioles about 2 mm long. Leaves 4 - 6 by 1 - 1.5 cm, lanceolate, subequally narrowed to the cuneate base and to the rather slenderly acuminate apex, firmly chartaceous or subcoriaceous, the upper surface glabrous, the lower surface paler and appressed-pubescent on the midrib and nerves; lateral nerves slender, ascending, 5 pairs, the reticulations fine, scalariform. Flowers in axillary, short, few-flowered cymes, the pedicels, sepals, and petals ferruginous-pubescent. Fruits globose, sparingly pubescent, about 8 mm in diameter. DISTRIBUTION : PHILIPPINES : Luzon. ECOLOGY : Commonly grows in forest at low altitudes. NOTES : A species manifestly allied to Popowia polyandra Presl Merr., which in turn is perhaps not specifically distinct from the Malaya P. pisocarpa Endl. The present species is strongly characterized by its narrow, lanceolate, slenderly acuminate leaves. SPECIMENS EXAMINED. PHILIPPINES. Luzon. Fr., 12 May 1919, Ramos Pascasio 35186 BO, L. Type. MALESIA REGION Luzon Fig. 41. Distribution of Popowia lanceolata Merrill