Popowia hentyii Moeljono sp. nov. - Fig. 32 p.83.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED. PAPUA NEW GUINEA PNG: Kokoda, fr. 13 Apr 1936, C.E. Carr 16377 L; Kokoda, Central Dist., fr. 18 Sep 1962, R. Schodde, 3033 L; Trans-Busu, Lae, fr. 17 Jun 1954, A. Floyd 5750 BO, L; River Siribi, fr. 20 Jul 1955, E.Gray et al. 8062 BO, L; Busu River, Morobe Dist., fr.13 Jun 1963, T.G. Hartley 11930 L. Koitaki, fr. 21 Apr 1935, NGF 11994 C.E. Carr L. Kipu, Morobe Dist., fr. 13 Nov1968, A.Gillison 25701 L; R.Pulie, Kandrian subdistc., fr. 16 Mar 1966, E.E. Henty et al., 27230 BO, L. Lae, Sankwep ridge, fl.+fr. 22 Nov 1967, J.S. Womersly 37104 BO, L Lae, Morobe Distc., fr. 29 Apr 1971, NGF 46773 P. Katik BO. Bagum Mt. Sub.dist. Talasea, West N.Britain dist., fr. 23 Oct 1974, LAE 66646 W.R. Barker et al. L PAPUA IRIAN JAYA. Warsamson, Sorong, fr.10 Jan 1966, BW 12479 F.A.W. Schram BO, L. Nabire, fr. 25 Feb1940, R. Kanehira et al. 11525 BO; Kali Bumi, fr. 12 Mar 1940, R. Kanehira et al. 12841 BO. MALESIA REGION MALESIA REGION Fig. 31 Distribution of Popowia hentyii Moeljono. 1 2 7 3 4 5 6 1. Warsamson, Sorong 2. Kali Bumi Nabire 3. Kokoda 4. Kipu, Morobe Dist 5. Koitaki 6. Lae, Sankwep ridge 7. Bagum Mt. A. Flowering twig B. Flower bud C. Outer petal D. Inner petal E. Flower, Outer and inner petals F. Flower, petals removed G. Stamen H. Gynoecium I. Carpel J. Cross section of carpel Fig. 32. Popowia hentyii Moeljono Endl. C D B A E F G H I J

17. Popowia perakensis King

Popowia perakensis King, Fig. 34 P. 86. Mat. F.M.P. Vol. 1 No. 4 1892 343 et in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calc. 4 1893 120 Pl. 161B; Ridley, F.M.P. 1 1922 76. Sinclair in Gard. Bull. Singapore XIV 1955 473 – 474. - Type : Malaysia, Perak, from 200 - 2500 ft., Wray s.n., CAL, L. Shrub or small tree 2 - 5 m. high. Young twigs dark rusty-tomentose, the older glabrous, dark and coarsely striate. Petioles 3 - 4 cm long, 1.5 - 3 mm diam., tomentose. Leaves 9 - 17 by 3.5 - 7 cm, elliptic to oblong - obovate, very shortly and rather abruptly acuminate, base cuneate and unequal-sided, membranous, both surface sub-granular, the upper glabrous except the nerves and midrib, the lower pubescent; nerves 5 -10 pairs, curving at the midrib, then oblique, running out to the edge, prominent; reticulation slender, faint above, more prominent beneath, some scalariform, the rest a network between the scalariform ones. Flowers extra-axillary in pairs, 5 - 8 mm in diam. Pedicels 0.7 - 1 cm long, rather fleshy, strigose with dark, rusty hairs. Sepals 1.5 by 1.5 mm, smaller than the petals, ovate-triangular to nearly orbicular, acute, shaggy tomentose outside like the pedicels, glabrous inside, persistent. Petals coriaceous, ovoid - orbicular, densely whitish shaggy-tomentose outside, glabrous and concave inside. Stamens numerous, 1 - 1.5 mm long, broadly cuneate with flat-topped or concave connective. Ovaries 10 - 12, glabrous, elongate, style a mere constriction, stigma sub-capitate, grooved on top and on the inner side. Ripe carpels ovoid to oblong, apiculate, glabrescent to glabrous, slighly horizontally ridged when dry, 1 - 1.5 cm long, stalks brittle, rather fleshy, 7 mm long. Seeds 2-4 with a horizontal circumferential ridge. DISTRIBUTION : MALAY PENINSULA. Perak. ECOLOGY : Taiping Hill or waterfall Hill. NOTES : Resembles P. pisocarpa slightly but the flowers are large, also the carpels. They have up to 4 seeds instead of 1. The leaves are larger, more uniformly pubescent on the lower surface, the texture is less granular and the reticulations are visible in adult leaves whereas in P. pisocarpa they MALESIA REGION Perak: Open Jungle; Maxwell Hill between 8 th and 9 th mile. are never visible in adult leaves but are seen occasionally in the very young leaves. P. hirta Miq. Bears some resemblance but its leaves are much more hairy and the fruit is larger and globose. SPECIMEN EXAMINED. MALAY PENINSULA. P e r a k : Open Jungle, fr Feb1884, King 5603 BO; Maxwell Hill between 8 th and 9 th mile, fr 19 Sep 1949, SFN 38827 J. Sinclair and Kiah BO, L. KEP FRI 6671. BO. Perak, from 200 - 2500 ft., Wray s.n., L. Fig. 33. Distribution of Popowia perakensis King