Popowia tomentosa Maingay ex Hook. f. et Th.

NOTES : More hairy than any of the other Malaya species and with larger flowers. Nearest to P. hirta Miquel from Sumatra. SPECIMEN EXAMINED. MALAY PENINSULA. P e r a k : Grik, st. 6 Nov 1961, F.C. Yong 94693 BO. T r e n g g a n u: Dungun, Kampung Padang Pulut, fr. 28 Jul 1992, FRI 39204 Noorsiha et al. KEP, L. P a h a n g: Sungai Rangit, fr. 13 Nov 1969, FRI 13658 B. Everett L. P e n a n g: Tiger hall, st. 10 Oct 1951, SFN 39280 J. Sinclair BO. S i n g a p o r e: Mandai Road of Seletar reservoir, fl.+fr. 31 Mar 1953, SFN 39540 J. Sinclair BO; Kemabang forest reserve, fl. 2 Apr 1957, SFN 40993 W.L. Chew and Kiah L. SUMATRA. N o r t h S u m a t r a. River Besitang, Sikundur forest reserve 3 55’ N. 98 05’ E., fl.+fr.7 Aug 1979, W.J.J.O de Wilde and B.E.E. de Wilde 19556 BO, L. W e s t S u m a t r a: Padang, near continental plantation company concession, fr Nov – Dec 1932, B.A. Krukoff 4378 L. Pajahkumbuh, Mt. Sago, st. 11 May 1957, P. Maradjo 153 L; Pajahkumbuh, Mt. Sago, fl.11 May 1957, P. Maradjo 167 L. R i a u: Mt. Bukit Tigapuluh, fr. 09 Nov 1988, J.S. Burley et al. 1311 BO, L. Indragiri, Taratak air hitam, fr. 25 Jan 1956, Amiruddin et al. 45 L. BORNEO. S a r a w a k: Blok no. 18 Bintulu Lumber co. area, Suai Miri 4 th Division, fl. 26 Jul 1977, S 39206 Ilias Paie L. N o r t h B o r n e o: Sandakan, Sepilok forest reserve, fr. 16 Jun 1992, SAN 133090 W. Meijer et al. L, SAN; Sandakan, Bettotan, fr. 24 Aug 1927, SFN 19188 C.B. Kloss BO, SAN. Sandakan, fr. 11 Aug 1978, SAN 88875 L. Madani L, SAN. Tampias, Telupid, Ranau, fl.+fr. 14 Dec 1974, SAN 81112 Aban and Kodoh L, SAN. Tawau, mile 12 Hapseng logged area, fr. 27 Mar 1979, SAN 89795 Fediliks and Sumbing BO. Kudat, Labuan forest reserve, fl.+ fr. 28 Feb 1932, BNB 1807 P. Orolfo BO. Keningau, Mile 16 Nabawan Keningau road, fr.15 Jul 1976, SAN 83765 D. Sundaling L; Keningau, Mile 10 Nabawan Keningau road, st. 12 Aug 1976, SAN 83831 D. Sundaling L. Fl.+ fr.Teysmann, 1086 BO. C e n t r a l B o r n e o: Bukit Raya 112 47’ E, 0 45’ S, fl.+fr. 23 Dec 1982, H.P. Nooteboom 4395 BO,L. Kotawaringin Timur, fl.+fr. 19 May 1993, Argen G. et al., 93198 1. Perak:Grik, 6 Nov 1961 2. Trengganu: Dungun, Kampung Padang Pulut. 3. Pahang:Sungai Rangit. 4. Penang: Tiger hall. 5. Singapore:Mandai Road of Seletar reservoir 6. River Besitang, Sikundur forest reserve 3 55’ N. 98 05’ E. 7. Pajahkumbuh, Mt. Sago 8. Padang, near continental plantation company conces-sion. 9. Sandakan, Sepilok forest reserve 10. Tampias, Telupid, Ranau 11. Tawau, mile 12 Hapseng logged area 12. Bukit Raya 112 47’ E, 0 45’ S. 13. Bengalon MALESIA REGION BO. E a s t B o r n e o: Bengalon., 6 Apr 1996, Ambriansyah et al. 1661 BO, L. Sebalamo, fl.+fr., Teysmann 10846 BO, L. Fig. 18. Distribution of Popowia tomentosa Maingay ex Hk.fi. 12 10 7 1 8 9 6 1 1 13 2 3 4 5 Fig. 19. Popowia tomentosa Maingay ex Hook.f. A. Flowering twig B. Outer and inner petals C. Stamen D. Gynoecium E. Carpel A B C D E 1mm 2 cm 1mm 6 . Popowia tomentosa Maingay ex Hook.f. et Th. var. crinita Sinclair Popowia tomentosa Maingay ex Hook.f.et Th. var. crinita Sinclair in Gard. Bull. Singapore XIV 1955 474 – 475. - Type : Perak, Ulu Bubong, 1886, King 10058 CAL, D.D., Kew,Sing, Young twigs covered over hairs. Leaves 13 – 18 by 5 – 8.5 cm, with about 2 mm long hairs, elliptic, acuminate or caudate – acuminate, base sub-cordate, on both side and in margin petiole setose, nerves 16 – 18 pairs. DISTRIBUTION : MALAY PENINSULA : Perak, Trengganu, and Penang. SUMATERA : Riau Bukit Tigapuluh, Jambi Pasir mayang. BORNEO : Sarawak Lambir National Park, Miri 4 th division, West Borneo Mt. Guntung, Sukadana and East Borneo ITCI concession area, Clara hill plot. ECOLOGY : Grows in primary swampy forest, Dipterocarp primary forest with altitude 400 meters above sea level. NOTES : The pubescence is less dense and the the hairs are longer, about 2 mm. and are setose. SPECIMEN EXAMINED. MALAY PENINSULA. P e r a k: Kelang Amang Tronoh, fr. 15 Jul 1986, KL 3559 L.E. Teo L; near Ulu Kerling, Mar 1886, Dr. King 8540 BO; Perak, Ulu Bubong, 1886, King 10058 C., D.D., Kew,S. T r e n g g a n u : Kerbat Mt., 30 Jun 1971, FRI 20310 T.C. Whitmore L; Kuala Trengganu, Besut road, fr. 8 Sep1955, SFN 40770 J. Sinclair et al. BO, L, SING; Ulu brang, Jul 1937, SFN 33812 L. Moysey and Kiah BO. Penang, Western hill, fr. 7 Sep 1982, FRI 29312 K.M. Kochummen L. SUMATERA. R i a u: Mt.Tigapuluh, fl.+fr. 9 Nov 1988, Burley, J.S. et al. 1311 BO, L. J a m b i: Dusun Pasir Mayang, fr. Dec-80, TFB 2012 Y. Laumonier L. BORNEO. S a r a w a k: Lambir National Park, Miri 4 th division, fr. 17 Sep 1978, S 40253 Rena George L. Near Long Kapa, Mt. Dulit Ulu Tinjar 4 th devision, fl. 29 Oct 1932, Richard 2360 BO W e s t B o r n e o: Mt. Guntung, Sukadana, 15 Dec 1983, MALESIA REGION 1. Perak: Kelang Amang Tronoh 2. Trengganu: Kerbat Mt. 3. Penang, Western hill. 4. Riau: Mt.Tigapuluh. 5. Jambi: Dusun Pasir Mayang. 6. Sarawak: Near Long Kapa, Mt. Dulit Ulu Tinjar 4 th devision. 7. Mt. Guntung, Sukadana ITCI concession area, Clara hill plot. MALESIA REGION Afriastini, J.J. 1407 BO. E a s t B o r n e o: ITCI concession area, Clara hill plot, fr. 7 Jun 1989, M. van Balgooy 5841 BO, L. Fig. 20. Distribution of Popowia tomentosa var. crinita J. Sinclair 6 4 3 1 5 7 2

7. Popowia hirta Miquel

Popowia hirta Miquel in Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II 1865 – 1866 21 - 22. - Type : Sumatra, West Sumatra, Korthals s.n., BO, L. Small tree or tree 3 - 15 m high with spreading, slender branches. Young twigs tomentose, the older dark brown colored, striate. Petioles 2 – 5 mm long. Leaves 7 – 25 by 3 – 13 cm, elliptic - oblong or elliptic – obovate, acuminate, base obtuse - rounded, unequal side, sub-coriaceous, on both surface strongly glabrous, above on midrib dense, tomentose – hairy; nerves 9 – 13 pairs, curving, prominent, reticulation faint, scalariform. Peduncle opposite leaf, later few flowers; sepals ovate, acuminate, base conneate, membrane, lower surface on the side apical hairy, the other side glabrous; Outer petals broad – ovate, acute, on the inner boat shape, with sub apical and near to margin, dense like to snow – white straight hairs; stigma capitate; carpel sub mature extremely short – stipitate, ellipsoidalis, with pedicel epical permanent spread hairs. DISTRIBUTION : MALAY PENINSULA : Kelantan. SUMATERA : Padang, Riau Bukit Tigapuluh, Palembang Banyuasin and Lampung. BORNEO : Brunei Belait, North Borneo Kudat, Lahat Datu, Central Borneo Bukit Raya, and East Borneo Berau, Samarinda and Kutei. ECOLOGY : Disturbed low land Dipterocarp forest, mixed Dipterocarp lowland forest, primary forest hill side. Altitude 200 meter above sea level. NOTES : Distinguished by species, large leaves and sub young exceedingly hairs, adult much glabrous. Branchlets terete dense spread-hair-tomentose, indumentum present dirty red-gray. SPECIMEN EXAMINED. MALAY PENINSULA. K e l a n t a n, fl. 28 Mar 1995, Latiff et.al, 4116 L. SUMATRA. W e s t S u m a t r a: L 0190105 P.W. Korthals L; L 0190106 P.W. Korthals L; L 0190107 P.W. Korthals L, L 0190108 P.W. Korthals L; L 0190109 P.W. Korthals L. Hoeta Padang, near the continental plantation company concession, Asahan, east coast, fl.+fr. Dec 1932, B.A. Krukoff 4389 BO, L. R i a u: Mt.Tigapulu, Bukit Karampal area, Rengat – Jambi road, st. 9 Nov 1988, J.S. Burley et al. 1314 BO, L; Mt.Tigapulu, Bukit Karampal area, Rengat – Jambi road, fl.+fr. 13 Nov 1989, J.S. Burley et al. 1415 BO, L. J a m b i: Upper Batanghari, fr, Dec 1980, TFB 2012 Y. Laumonier L. S o u t h S u m a t r a: Palembang, Banyuasin, fl.+fr. Jun 1920, 186 EIP 897 F.H. Endert BO. Lampung, 18 Feb 1921, H.J. Dirksen 25 L. BORNEO. Brunei: Temburong, Bukit Biang, st. 17 Oct 1989, L.L. Forman 902 L; Temburong, Selapon valley of Selapon river, st. 20 Nov 1990, J. Dransfield 6981 L; Belait, fr. 3 Mar 1992, J. Dransfield 7275 L; Belait, Labi road KM 29, fr. 19 Aug 1991, Niga Nangkat, 308 L. N o r t h B o r n e o: Kudat, Bengloka forest reserve area, st. 7 Sep 1972, SAN 75974 G. Shea and F. Minjulu L. Tenom, Mendalom forest reserve area, fr. 20 Sep 1986, SAN 116677 K. Fidilis L, SAN. Lahat Datu, Kennedy bay, fr. 19 Nov 1964, A. Talip 47619 L. C e n t r a l B o r n e o: Bukit Raya, fl.+fr. 23 Dec 1982, H. Nooteboom 4395 L. 3 Apr 1995, E.R. Latuperissa 95009 BO, L. E a s t B o r n e o: Berau, PT Inhutani, fr. 13 Oct 1998, B 1360 P.JA. Kessler BO; Berau, fl.+fr. 6 Mar 2000, B1628 P.J.A. Kessler BO; Berau, Km 37 Labaman, st. 1 Oct 1996, Arbainsyah et al. 2046 BO. Samarinda, Wanariset area, st. 15 Aug 1990, Ambri et al. 297 L; PT Inhutani area Balikpapan – Samarinda, fr. 4 Jul 1995, Ambri et al. 1270 BO, L. ITCI concession area, Clara’s hill plot, fr. 07 Jun 1989, M. van Balgooy 5841 L. S.E. of Samarinda Bambangan River, fl.+fr. 14 Aug 1951, A. Kostermans 6090 BO, L; Bambangan River, fl.+ fr.14 Aug 1951, A. Kostermans 6097 BO. Lempake, Tanah Merah, fl.+fr. 20 Jan 1977, Maskuri 163 BO. Kutei reserve, Teluk Kaba, fl.+fr. 26 May 1970, R. Soegeng 105 BO. Kutai reserve, Mentoko River, st. 1 Mar 1979, M. Leighton 706 L. st. 13 Oct 1997, P.J.A. Kessler 900 BO. E.Kutei, Mahakam estuary, fl.+fr. 15 Aug 1956, A. Kostermans 12513 A BO. 8 Oct 1963, A. Kostermans 21148 BO. Liang gagang, fr. 17 May 1998, H. Hallier 1270 BO. Lianggagang, fl.+fr. 1893-1894, H. Hallier 2917 BO. Tanjung Bangko, fl.+fr.