3.1. Materials

This study was based mainly on herbarium materials from herbaria listed below. Five hundred and seventy four specimens were examined during the course of this study. Herbaria which I personally visited, and from which most of the material studied came, are indicated with an asterisk . BO : Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor. MAN : Herbarium Manokwariense, The State University of Papua, Manokwari, Papua L : Rijksherbarium, Leiden, The Netherland on loan to Bogor.

3.2. Methods

In general the methods in this study follow the normal practice of herbarium taxonomy Rifai, 1976 and de Vogel, 1987. Floral characters were measured under dissecting stereomicroscope fitted with an ocular micrometer. Measurements of all vegetative organs were taken directly from dry specimens. Anatomical study using the leaves of some specimens; paradermal section was taken from the lower surface of leaves then stained with 1 saffranin in water and then mounted in glycerin Husein and Widjaja 1987, Sunarti 1987. Reproductive organs were boiled in water for a few minutes to facilitate dissection or were measured directly from dried specimens. Vegetative and reproductive characters were used for phylogenetic analysis of Popowia, with Mitrephora maingayi used as the outgroup. A total of 34 morphological characters Table 1 involving habit, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds were accumulated and analyzed using the PAUP version 4. ob 10 computer program with maximum parsimony method, bootstrap 100 replicates . For this analysis, seventeen species Popowia bancana Scheffer, P. hirta Miquel, P. cuspidata Miquel, P. lanceolata Merrill, P. beccarii Scheffer, P. clavata Diels, P. cyanocarpa Lauterb. and K. Schum., P. novoguineensis Miquel, P. papuana Scheffer, P. schefferiana Diels, P. pachypetala Diels, P. polytrica Diels, P. platyphylla Diels, P. parvifolia Scheffer P. cordata Moeljono, and P. nooteboomii Moeljono, P. hentyii Moeljono were not included because of incomplete material available. Fig. 4. Place where measurements of plant parts were taken for the species description Popowia hentyii Moeljono p.82. A. Leaf, lower surface. B. Flower bud. C. Outer and inner petals D. Flower, petals removed. E. Stamen F. Gynoecium. G. Fruit E A B C D F G