Popowia pauciflora Maingay ex Hook.f. et Th. - Fig. 12 p.46.

MALESIA REGION Fig.12.Distribution of P. pauciflora Maingay ex Hooker f. Malay Peninsula Malacca Fig. 13. Popowia pauciflora Maingay ex Hook.f. A. Flowering twig, B. Flower bud C. Sepals and petals removed D. Outer petals E. Gynoecium F. Carpel A B C D E F 1 mm

3. Popowia fusca King, - Fig. 15 p.50 .

Popowia fusca King, Mat. F.M.P. Vol. 1 No. 4 1892 343 et in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calc. 4 1893 120 Pl. 162A; Ridley, F.M.P. 1 1922 76. Sinclair in Gard. Bull. Singapore XIV 1955 471 – 472. - Type : Malay Peninsula, Malaysia, Perak, near Ului Kwerling, at an elevation of 500 ft. King 8602 n.v. Sing., CAL, Kew Shrub or tree 5 - 15 m high. Young twigs dark rusty - tomentose, the older glabrous, striate and with numerous leaf scars. Petiole 3 - 6 mm long, tomentose. Leaves 7 - 23 by 3 - 9 cm, oval - oblong, obtuse or sub - acute, the base rounded and slightly unequal-sided, slightly coriaceous, thicker than in P. pisocarpa Blume Endl., minutely granular on the both surface, the upper surface puberulous, the midrib rusty-pubescent, the lower surface pubescent with thickened pubescent edges; nerves 8 - 10 pairs, prominent, curving, ascending rather steeply; reticulations fine but usually visible on the lower surface, scalariform. Flower extra-axillary in fascicle on very short bracteate tubercles. Pedicels about 5 mm long with a sub-median minute bract, rusty - tomentose. Sepals 2 mm long, ovate, obtuse, tomentose outside, glabrous inside, persistent. Petals the outer 2.5 - 3 mm long, cream colored, tomentose, broadly ovate; the inner 3.5 - 4 mm long with incurved apices; both sets united at base in one piece. Stamens 1 mm. long, the connectives flat-topped, red. Ovaries 6, oblong, slightly falcate, 1 mm. long, thinly pubescent; style very short, stigma wedge-shape, grooved on the top and the inner side. Ripe carpels 1 - 4, globose - falcate, asymmetrical, pubescent, 1.5 - 2 cm long, 1 cm in diam.; stalks 3 - 8 mm long. Seed solitary, tuberculate, ridged. DISTRIBUTION : Malay Peninsula : Perak, Pahang, and Singapore; Borneo : Baram, Samba, and Serawai. Sumatera : Tanjung Pinang. ECOLOGY : Commonly grows in primary forest, hilly terrain, Dipterocarp forest with altitude up to 300 meters above sea level. NOTES : The leaves are thicker and less shining than in P. pisocarpa Bl Endl. and have thickened pubescent edges; also the reticulations are visible below. The degree of pubescence varies a good deal. See notes under P.velutina King, a species which may not be distincted from this one. SPECIMEN EXAMINED. MALAY PENINSULA : P a h a n g : Stateland Raug, 23 Mar 1971, Zainuddin Sohadi 14704 L; Teku R., 29 Jul 1976, Kiah 31923 BO. Negeri Sembilan : Pasoh F.R., 16 Sep 1976, F.S.P. Ng 27008 L. J o h o r e. Maokil Mt., virgin jungle reserve, 22 Nov 1969, Loh Hoy Shing 6862 L. S i n g a p o r e. Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, 16 Apr 1982, J.F. Maxwell 82137 L; Teban circle, Bukit Timah, 8 Jul 1950, J. Sinclair L.0195188 L; Bukit Timah, 16 Dec 1937, Ngadiman 34622 BO, L; Forest Reserve, Bukit Timah, 30 Oct 1948, J. Sinclair BO; Mac Ritchie Reservoir, 27 Jan 1949, J. Sinclair 37939 BO,L; Bukit Timah, 9 Mar 1939, Ngadiman 36364 BO. SUMATRA. W e s t S u m a t r a. Padang Pariaman, Sipisang, 24 Feb 1994, Okada et al. 14 BO. Riau : Tanjung Pinang, Teysmann 17994 BO. BORNEO S a r a w a k. Pueh Mt., 21 Dec 1988, P.J.A. Kessler 278 and 282 L. Baram : Ulu Sg, Melinau paku, Tutoh, 25 May 1961, J.A.R. Anderson 4057 BO, L; Mulu Mt. National Park, 4 2’ N, 114 47’ E, 29 Oct 1977, G. Argent et al. 616 L. Kennedy bay, Silabukan forest Rest., 21 Apr 1967, Henry Tai Sin 58049 L. North of Camp III, Ulu Sg Danum, 3 Sep 1976, B.C. Stone et al. 85314 L. B r u n e i. Temburong, 7 Apr 1990, M.J.E. Coode et.al. 6591 L. Aug 1918, M. Castillo 650 L. N o r t h B o r n e o. Sandakan, Labuk road mile 50, 20 Apr 1971, Cockburn 73002 L. Lahat Datu: Ulu Sg. Segama, 16 Jul 1970, Ahmad Talip 70878 L; Kuala Beruang, 16 Jul 1970, P.F. Cockburn 71013 L. Ulu Luak, 17 May 1964, Othman Haron 21352 BO, L. W e s t B o r n e o. Serawai, desa Jelundung, 0 30’ 57.5” S, 112 35’ 7” E, 29 Jan 1995, Church et al. 1597 BO, L. Ketapang, 19 Mar 1997, Laman et.al. 909 BO. Amai Ambit, 1893 – 1894, H. Hallier 3239 BO, L. C e n t r a l B o r n e o. Samba, 0 44’ 23.6” S, 112 50’ 47.4” E, 28 Jan 1995, Jarvie Ruskandi 5522 BO; Samba, 0 42’ 55.2” S, 112 50’ 34.8” E, 31 Jan 1995, Jarvie Ruskandi 5776 BO; Samba R., 0 42’ 56.6” S, 112 46’ 46.5” E, 12 Feb 1995, Jarvie Ruskandi 6060