Popowia odoardi Diels A Taxonomic Revision Of The Genus Popowia Endlicher (Annonaceae) in Malesia

SPECIMEN EXAMINED : BORNEO. BRUNEI : Temburong :Batu Apoi, Bukit Gelagah, fr.27 Oct 1991, D.A. Simpson 2387 L; Amo, Bukit Belalang, fr. 22 Feb 1992, S 30600 G.T. Prance. SARAWAK: Melinau George, Mulu National Park, fr. 28 Oct 1989, S 49534 Abang Mohtar et al. BO. Kenaya Forest Reserve, Ulu Lawas 5 th Division, fr. 29 Oct 1971, S 31553 Ilias Paie L. Mt. Pueh, Sematan 1 st Division, fr.21 Jun 1974, S 34474 James et al.L; Mt Pueh, Lundu District, st. 18 Apr 1961, S 13626 Ilias Paie L. Bukit Raya Pelagus, Kapit District, fl. 16 Aug 1961, S.14364 H. Bujang L. Dalit Range, 4 th Division, fr. 9 Oct 1983, S, 46677 Dyg Awa and P.C. Yii L. Mt. Bakat, Tebakang area 1 st Division, fr. 26 Apr 1983, S. 45810 Dyg Awa and I. Paie L. Semuncam Wildlife 1 st Division, fl. 25 Jul 1981, S 43447 Yii Puan Ching L. Kampung Segu Bubuk, 1 st Division, fl.+fr. 18 Dec 1988, P.J.A. Kessler 262 L; Kampung Segu Bubuk, 1 st Division, fl.+fr. 19 Dec 1988, P.J.A. Kessler 263 L; Kampung Segu Bubuk, 1 st Division, fl.+fr. 19 Dec 1988, P.J.A. Kessler 264 L; Mt Pueh, 1 st Division, fl.+fr. 21 Dec 1988, P.J.A. Kessler 278 L; Mt Pueh, 1 st Division, fl.+fr. 21 Dec 1988, P.J.A. Kessler 282 L. Datu P.F., 1 st Division, fl. 20 May 1980, S 41894 Bernard Lee L. NORTH BORNEO. Sg Melikop, Sandakan, fl. 28 Aug 1984, SAN 66690 Sigin and Ismail L. Sepilok Forest Reserve, Sandakan, st. 11 Aug 1994, SAN 141505 W. Meijer L; Sandakan District, Bukit Tawai, fr. 9 Apr 1994, E. Campbell 404 L. Mt. Pagon periuk, Sg Sipayan, Limbang, fl. 6 Aug 1984, S. 47683 D. Awa and B. Lee L. Kennedy Bay, Lahat Datu, Virgin Jungle Reserve block 12, fr.+w. 19 Nov 1964, Ahmad Talip 47619 L. George on south side of gunong Api, fr.14 Feb 1966, S 24026 J.A.R. Anderson L. Hulu Bole, fl.+fr. 29 Apr 1933, Puasa 3139 BO. Tawau , fl. 12 May 1966, Ding Hou 181 BO, L; Tawau, fl.+fr. 25 Jun 1959, W. Meijer 19322 BO; Tawau, Ulu sungai, Apas mile 15 Quoin hill road, st. 11 Sep 1962, SAN 31247 Aban Gibot L; Tawau, Quoin hill, fr. 17 Jun 1961, SAN 18525 A. Backer L; Tawau, Mill 20 Apas road, Apas river, st. 07 Mar 1961, S.24491 D. Brand L. Sg Iban, Ulu Belaga, fl. 9 Nov 1982, S 45466 Bernard Lee BO, L. Danum valey, fl. 07 May 1989, C.E Ridsdale et al. 1969 L. WEST BORNEO: Serewai, fr.29 Jan 1995, A.C. Church et al. 1597 L. Mt. Bentuang area, fl. 12 Jun 1989, J.S. Burley et al. 2535 L; Mt. Bentuang area, fl. 12 Jun 1989, J.S. MALESIA REGION 1.Sandakan District, Bukit Tawai 2.Tawau, Quoin hill 3.Mulu National Park 4Temburong:BatuApoi,Bukit Gelagah 5.Mt. Bentuang area 6.Bukit Raya 7.Kutei 8.Tabalong District Burley et al. 2559 L; Mt. Bentuang area, fl. 22 Jun 1989, J.S. Burley et al. 2783 L; Mt. Bentuang area, fl. 20 Jun – 6 Jul 1989, J.S. Burley et al. 2987 L; Mt. Bentuang area, fl. 28 Jun – 6 Jul 1989, J.S. Burley et al. 3004 L; Mt. Bentuang area, fl. 28 Jun – 6 Jul 1989, J.S. Burley et al. 3167 L; Mt. Bentuang area, fl. 28 Jun – 6 Jul 1989, J.S. Burley et al. 3184 L; Mt. Bentuang area, fl. 1 – 6 Jul 1989, J.S. Burley et al. 3267 L; Mt. Bentuang area, fl. 28 Jun – 6 Jul 1989, J.S. Burley et al. 3285 L; Bentuang, Karimun national Park, fl.+fr.13 Sep 1997, H. Wiriadinata et al. 219 BO. CENTRAL BORNEO: Bukit Raya, st. 26 Nov 1982, H.P. Nooteboom 4052 BO,L. Bukit Raya, fr. 19 Dec 1982, H.P. Nooteboom 4364 L; Bukit Raya, fl. 09 Jan 1983, H.P. Nooteboom 4489 BO,L; Bukit Raya, fl.+fr. 3 Jan 1983, H. Wiriadinata 3051L; Bukit Raya, fr.Headwaters of Kahayan River, fl. 27 Mar 1988, J.S. Burley et al. 452 L. Headwaters of Kahayan River, st. 21 Apr 1988, J.S. Burley et al. 748 BO. Headwaters of Kahayan River, 26 Apr 1988, J.S. Burley et al. 826 L. Sintang, fl.+fr. 10 Oct 1993, A.C. Church et al. 662 BO; Sintang, fl.+fr. 16 Oct 1993, A.C. Church et al. 134 BO. EAST BORNEO: Kutei, st. 13 Jun 1928, Abdul Hamid 55 BO; W. Kutei, fl.+fr. 28 Sep 1954, A. Kostermans 9696 BO. SOUTH BORNEO : Tabalong District, PT Aya Yayang Logging concession area, fl.24 Feb 2000, P.J.A. Kessler et al. 2763 L. Fig. 37. Distribution of Popowia odoardi Diels 4 1 3 2 5 6 7 8

21. Popowia cuspidata Miquel

Popowia cuspidata Miquel in Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. II 1865 – 1866 21. - Type : Java, prope Santiang, Korthals s.n., BO, L. Tree. Young twigs reddish – hirsute terminal, thin, slender, hair dense suberect – adpressed substrigulose. Petioles scarcely line long in front canaliculated, 5 mm long, glabrous. Leaves length 10.5 – 16.5 cm, breadth 3.5 – 5.5 cm, in a dry state not shining at all, very frequently broadly – ovate or obovate – elliptic, subarubptly acuminate, base cuneate, membranous, on both surface glabrous, the lower surface prominent glabrous on the midrib and veins; nerves 6 – 9 pairs, spread erect towards, reticulation faint, scalariform very fine;. Flowers axillary. Sepals narrowly ovate, acute, membranous, enlarge, dense hair. Petals the outer ovate, rounded, inner petals, thick, obovate, rounded, apical suddenly bent backward, in front concave dusty – opposite. Ripe carpels in cylindrical with bulges not at all, thick, 5, short stipitate, immature together with stipitate, sparingly pilose, ellipsoid or sub unequal – oblong, apical short – suddenly bent backward terminal, outer side concave, in front suture spurious slightly raised marked, around semi 2.5 cm long, seeds 1. DISTRIBUTION : JAVA : Santiang, Ujung Kulon and Kediri. ECOLOGY : Grows in primary and secondary forest. NOTES : The lower surface of leaves glabrous, petioles 2 mm long more with nerves less 10 pairs. SPECIMEN EXAMINED. JAVA. Santiang, P.W. Korthals 0195171 L; P.W. Korthals 0195172 L; fL.+fr., P.W. Korthals 0195173 L; fL.+fr., P.W. Korthals 0195174 L; fL.+fr., P.W. Korthals 0195175 L; fL.+fr., P.W. Korthals 0195176 L; fL.+fr., P.W. Korthals 0195177 L; Ujung kulon, MALESIA REGION 1. Ujung Kulon 2. Kediri fl.+fr. 12 May 1992, J.A. Mc.Donald 3344 BO. Kediri, fl.+fr. 23 Feb1914, C.A. Becker 11842 BO. Fig. 39. Distribution of Popowia cuspidata Miquel