Popowia cordata Moeljono sp.nov. – Fig. 37 p. 91

MALESIA REGION Malang Fig. 36. Distribution of Popowia cordata Moeljono J A V A Fig. 37. Popowia cordata Moeljono

20. Popowia odoardi Diels

Popowia odoardi Diels in Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin, xi 1931 82. - Type : Borneo Sarawak, in m. Mattan floret m April 1866, Beccari 1529; Jun 1899, Beccari 1781 paratype. Shrub or tree 2 - 6 m high, slender; young twigs rufous – pubescent, the older brown, tomentose, striate. Petiole 3 - 5 mm long, 2 mm in diam., tomentose. Leaves 10 – 22 by 4 – 10 cm, elliptic – oval to oblong, acuminate, base slight rounded, unequal-sided, membranous, both surface minutely granular, the upper slightly glabrous on the midrib, the lower glabrous on the midrib and veins; nerve 9 - 11 pairs prominent curving; reticulation faint, scalariform fine. Flower rather small, extra-axillary and single or in fascicle, opposite the leaves. Pedicels 2 - 5 mm long, rufous-tomentose. Sepals ovate, acute, tomentose outside, glabrous inside, 2 mm long. Petals creamy white, densely pubescent outside, glabrous inside, rounded, concave; the outer 2 mm long; the inner slightly longer up to 3 mm, incurved at the apex. Stamens short, 1 mm long, broad, the connective truncate, flat-topped or slightly concave. Ovaries 5 - 6, pubescent with white hair, style very short, stigmas wedged- shaped to sub-capitate, grooved at the top and adaxially, the surface rough but glabrous, usually adhering to form a disc. Ripe carpels globose, granular, slightly pubescent, chocolate-brown when dry, 1 cm long and 8 mm in diam.; stalks 2 mm long. Seed 1-4, rugose or pitted and with a circumferential ridge. DISTRIBUTION : Borneo : Brunei, Sarawak, North Borneo, West Borneo, Central Borneo, East Borneo and South Borneo. ECOLOGY : Commonly grows in primary Dipterocarp forest. NOTES: Petioles up to 5 mm long, Leaves elliptic – oval to oblong, base slight rounded, membranous, the lower glabrous on the midrib and veins; nerve 9 - 11 pairs. SPECIMEN EXAMINED : BORNEO. BRUNEI : Temburong :Batu Apoi, Bukit Gelagah, fr.27 Oct 1991, D.A. Simpson 2387 L; Amo, Bukit Belalang, fr. 22 Feb 1992, S 30600 G.T. Prance. SARAWAK: Melinau George, Mulu National Park, fr. 28 Oct 1989, S 49534 Abang Mohtar et al. BO. Kenaya Forest Reserve, Ulu Lawas 5 th Division, fr. 29 Oct 1971, S 31553 Ilias Paie L. Mt. Pueh, Sematan 1 st Division, fr.21 Jun 1974, S 34474 James et al.L; Mt Pueh, Lundu District, st. 18 Apr 1961, S 13626 Ilias Paie L. Bukit Raya Pelagus, Kapit District, fl. 16 Aug 1961, S.14364 H. Bujang L. Dalit Range, 4 th Division, fr. 9 Oct 1983, S, 46677 Dyg Awa and P.C. Yii L. Mt. Bakat, Tebakang area 1 st Division, fr. 26 Apr 1983, S. 45810 Dyg Awa and I. Paie L. Semuncam Wildlife 1 st Division, fl. 25 Jul 1981, S 43447 Yii Puan Ching L. Kampung Segu Bubuk, 1 st Division, fl.+fr. 18 Dec 1988, P.J.A. Kessler 262 L; Kampung Segu Bubuk, 1 st Division, fl.+fr. 19 Dec 1988, P.J.A. Kessler 263 L; Kampung Segu Bubuk, 1 st Division, fl.+fr. 19 Dec 1988, P.J.A. Kessler 264 L; Mt Pueh, 1 st Division, fl.+fr. 21 Dec 1988, P.J.A. Kessler 278 L; Mt Pueh, 1 st Division, fl.+fr. 21 Dec 1988, P.J.A. Kessler 282 L. Datu P.F., 1 st Division, fl. 20 May 1980, S 41894 Bernard Lee L. NORTH BORNEO. Sg Melikop, Sandakan, fl. 28 Aug 1984, SAN 66690 Sigin and Ismail L. Sepilok Forest Reserve, Sandakan, st. 11 Aug 1994, SAN 141505 W. Meijer L; Sandakan District, Bukit Tawai, fr. 9 Apr 1994, E. Campbell 404 L. Mt. Pagon periuk, Sg Sipayan, Limbang, fl. 6 Aug 1984, S. 47683 D. Awa and B. Lee L. Kennedy Bay, Lahat Datu, Virgin Jungle Reserve block 12, fr.+w. 19 Nov 1964, Ahmad Talip 47619 L. George on south side of gunong Api, fr.14 Feb 1966, S 24026 J.A.R. Anderson L. Hulu Bole, fl.+fr. 29 Apr 1933, Puasa 3139 BO. Tawau , fl. 12 May 1966, Ding Hou 181 BO, L; Tawau, fl.+fr. 25 Jun 1959, W. Meijer 19322 BO; Tawau, Ulu sungai, Apas mile 15 Quoin hill road, st. 11 Sep 1962, SAN 31247 Aban Gibot L; Tawau, Quoin hill, fr. 17 Jun 1961, SAN 18525 A. Backer L; Tawau, Mill 20 Apas road, Apas river, st. 07 Mar 1961, S.24491 D. Brand L. Sg Iban, Ulu Belaga, fl. 9 Nov 1982, S 45466 Bernard Lee BO, L. Danum valey, fl. 07 May 1989, C.E Ridsdale et al. 1969 L. WEST BORNEO: Serewai, fr.29 Jan 1995, A.C. Church et al. 1597 L. Mt. Bentuang area, fl. 12 Jun 1989, J.S. Burley et al. 2535 L; Mt. Bentuang area, fl. 12 Jun 1989, J.S.