1. 2. 3. 3 Reflection RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

practice was considered fun and no pressure at all, the students did not feel any burden to learn English especially in memorizing the vocabulary. It would be a lot of different between asking the students to memorize 30 words by seeing the list and by playing game using the activities cards. Although the students could not memorize the words at glance, however, they were able to memorize many of the words just by seeing the pictures on the cards and if they ever forgot the words they did not want to give up easily. They would try very hard to recall their memories about the words although the teacher never forced them to do so. They just did it as they wanted to, no pressure, no force at all. From the third cycle, it could be concluded that the students’ speaking skill was getting much better. At first, it was pretty difficult to ask the students to say the words in grammatically correct, for example, “She study yesterday”. Although the sentence has the same meaning as “She studied yesterday”, the first example does not have correct grammar. Therefore, the researcher needed to give correction every time she heard the students said the wrong words or grammar. However, in the third cycle, the researcher did not do much correction although the students sometimes still made some mistakes. Every time the students made some mistakes, they looked up their hand out again and they quickly corrected their own wrong words. They asked the researcher only when they did not find the words that they were looking for or sometimes because they were not sure with their own answer. From the result of the reflection it could be summarized that the students enjoyed using non-projected visual media during the speaking practice. They could feel the differences between using or not using non-projected visual media PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI during the speaking practice. They enjoyed the class activities more and they did not feel shy anymore to speak English by using non-projected visual media. They used to be bored learning English in the classroom and they did not even care whether they could speak English anymore. But when they used non-projected visual media during the speaking practice, they wanted to compete with other friends to be the winner of the speaking games in every class activity. They hoped that they can use more non-projected visual media in speaking practice session and they could use it not only when the researcher conducted the research there. From this research, it could be said that Action Research gave many benefits for the students, the researcher and for the research itself. In here, the students can find their own problem in improving their speaking skill. Before non-projected visual media was applied in the classroom, they only had a little motivation to learn English. Since they were lack of motivation in learning English, they did not care whether they could speak English well or not. They just thought that English was very difficult to learn and there were many vocabularies and grammar to understand. But when non-projected visual media were applied in the speaking practice they were so excited and they looked very enjoying the speaking practice. They did not feel difficult anymore in learning speaking since the picture on the cards gave much help to the students by making them remember the words easily. Their opinion about speaking was difficult had changed. They only needed more motivation and encouragement to improve their speaking skill. The use of non-projected visual media in speaking practice was quite useful for the students. However, to make the media more interesting, it would be much better if they were combined with games that have several rules and challenge the

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