1. 2. 2. 4 Test Result RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

After the researcher and the students discussed the answers, then the next step was speaking practice exercise. In this session, the researcher did not use the cards anymore, but the researcher used the board game. On the board game there were several pictures that each picture had their own sign whether positive, negative, interrogative, or WH Questions such as what, when, where, why, who, and how. The researcher divided the students into two groups then each group would have their own board game. Each student had to have one pawn. One student would take turn to throw the dice and he or she had to follow the number that he or she had from the dice. When they reached certain number with certain picture, then they had to make a sentence or a question based on the picture. The students who could reach the last number first was the winner of the game. After the speaking exercise finished, the last step was production session. In this session, the researcher asked the students to make five questions using WH Questions in past tense. After they had finished making the questions, they had to interview their friends, one friend one question. They also had to write their friends’ answers and reported to the researcher in the end. Since WH Questions was not an easy material to master, the students often felt confused when they made their own questions. They already followed the rules but the quest ions still did not make sense, such as “What did you go yesterday?”, “When did you eat yesterday?”, etc. Therefore, the researcher had to give an extra attention to the students by checking the students’ questions first before they walked around and asked the questions to the other friends. The students looked tired of thinking but when the researcher emphasized that to make WH Questions they did not only follow the rules but they had to know the meaning of the questions too then the students started to understand. From the result of the observation, it could be seen that the students were quite motivated in improving their speaking skill. They practiced quite hard against the low vocabulary that they had. They still asked many questions as usual and they sometimes looked very lazy as usual. But when it came to speaking practice session using non-projected visual media, they always looked very motivated. Even the first question that they would ask before the researcher started the lesson was, “Are there any games today, Miss?” and the researcher would answer, “Yes, of course”. It seemed that the use of non-projected visual media in learning process had become a great motivator for the students to learn English. Non-projected visual media also helped the students to speak more fluently than before.

4. 1. 2. 3. 1 Material and Non-Projected Visual Media

In this cycle, the researcher used the hand out and the board game. The hand out was made by the researcher herself compiled from various sources. The hand out consisted of revising the previous materials such as past tense was and were, subject and verb 2, past continuous tense and the latest material WH-Questions. The material looked complicated because there were three topics that were put into one in this hand out. However, if the students still remembered about the materials that they had learnt previously, then there should be no problems about it. Below was the hand out that the researcher used in the third cycle.

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