1. 1. 5 The Solution to Overcome the Problems

classroom?” Then the students began to answer the questions with “yes” or “no”. Then the researcher completed the students’ words by saying “yes, it was” or “no, it wasn’t”. After the presentation finished, the researcher gave a hand out to the students. On the hand out, there were some pictures that the students had to describe using was or were. The researcher walked around the class to check the students’ work. Some students looked motivated in doing the written exercise while other students still looked confused to describe the situation in the pictures. The researcher tried to help by giving more vocabularies in adjectives. The researcher thought that at least the students already mastered some adjectives but in the reality they had almost zero knowledge about adjectives. It made the researcher had to work harder by introducing some familiar adjectives such as crowded, noisy, quiet, dirty, clean, etc. After the researcher introduced the adjectives, the students could do the exercise a little by little. However, there were some students that looked lazy to do the exercise and they chose to walk around and copied their friends’ work although the researcher had warned them to do the exercise by themselves. After the students finished doing the exercise, the researcher discussed the answers with the students. The researcher asked the students to read the answers one by one. Some students still found some difficulties in pronouncing the words. Therefore, the researcher had to give the examples over and over again. The students who found some difficulties in doing the exercise and pronouncing the words looked bored with the written exercise and they listened the researcher’s explanation lazily. Seeing this situation, then the researcher decided to continue with the speaking exercise. The researcher divided the students into two groups then gave a pile of cards contain the picture of the public places. In the group, one of the students had to open one of the cards, then explained the situation in the picture. Later on, the other students in the group had to guess the name of the public place. The quickest and the correct ones would get the card. In the end, the students who got the most cards was the winner. This activity lasted for about fifteen minutes. Based on the observation in this meeting, there were some facts appeared during the teaching and learning process. First, some students did not enjoy doing the written exercise while the researcher thought that doing the written exercise was quite important since to create the sentence both in written or orally, the students needed to know the rules of the grammar first. By doing the written exercises, it was hoped that the students would get used to know it or at least memorized it then finally the students could use it in the speaking section. The second fact was the students’ vocabulary in adjectives were very low. Even thought this was the eighth grade, but the vocabularies that the students had were no different with those from the seventh grade. This situation made the researcher had to repeat the words over and over. The third fact was the students enjoyed practicing their speaking during the class activity using non-projected visual media, which was cards. At the beginning some students felt uncomfortable to speak full in English so they spoke in Indonesian. After the researcher encouraged them over and over, then the students would like to try to use English little by little. Perhaps the progress was not quite much but at least they were already willing to speak English in the classroom even though only a little. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In the second meeting, the next topic was regular and irregular verbs. For the presentation, the researcher put four big pictures on the whiteboard and started to explain the material for today. The students listened carefully although there were some students that looked very sleepy and when the researcher asked some questions, they answered the researcher’s questions lazily. The researcher did not use the material from LKS students’ worksheet because the material provided there were not complete and the researcher also did not take from the official text book because the students were not allowed to make any scratch on the book. Therefore, the researcher created her own material compiled from various sources. After finishing the presentation, the researcher distributed a hand out to the students. On the hand out, there were several pictures of activities and what the students needed to do was to match the pictures with the words provided inside the box. Since the students did not have much knowledge about the vocabularies so the researcher thought that the use of pictures on the hand out would give much favor to the students to improve their vocabulary knowledge easily. Before the students did the exercise, the researcher read the words inside the box and asked the students to repeat after her. After the researcher thought that the students’ pronunciation was already correct then the students could continue matching the pictures with the words inside the box. After finished matching the words with the pictures, the researcher discussed the answers with the students. In this activity, many students asked for the meaning of the words that they did not know and unfortunately, many of them did not know almost seventy percent of the words that the researcher introduced on the hand out while the vocabularies were quite familiar such as washed, studied, watched, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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