listened, and prayed, etc. This activity took for almost twenty minutes itself. The researcher walked around the class to monitor the students’ progress on their work. Some students looked motivated to do the exercise while some other students looked frustrated every time they found the difficult words that they did not know the meaning. The researcher encouraged them to use the dictionary but only some of them who would open it and really looked for the difficult words while other just waited to copy the answers from their friends although the researcher had warned them not to copy the answers from their friends. After twenty minutes passed, the researcher discussed the answers with the students. The researcher asked the students to switch their paper with their friends’ paper. Then the students had to check their friends’ work while the answers were being discussed. The researcher asked the students to read the answer one by one. After finished discussing the hand out, the researcher divided the students into two groups. Since there were only seven students in this classroom, so the group would consist of three and four students in each group. After that, the teacher gave a pile of cards to the students. These cards contained the pictures that had been discussed on the hand out. The next activity was the speaking practice. In each group, one of the students had to take one card. He or she could not show the picture on the card to other friends but he or she had to act the picture and the other friends had to guess the action. The student who could answer the quickest and the correct one was the winner, so the winner could take the card. In the end, the student who got the most cards was the winner. First, the students looked motivated to do the activity but when they met the difficult pictures or words, they looked frustrated and almost gave up to continue the activity so the researcher was allowed them to see the hand out. After fifteen minutes, the activity was finished. For the production step, the researcher asked the students to explain about their activities yesterday. Even though the production activity took more time then the practice time, it considered useful because later on the students were able to explain about their activities yesterday. First, the researcher asked them to write it down on the book, but later on they had to read it and shared it with other friends. From the second meeting, there were some facts that appeared during the teaching and learning process. The students found easier to memorize the vocabulary when they saw more pictures. They also did not look lazier to do the written exercise since the researcher only gave a little task of writing. They only wrote a bit and they could read everything on the hand out. The next activity in practice session, the students still enjoyed practice speaking using cards. They also enjoyed the miming game and they kept laughing during the practice session because acting in front of their friends was not an easy task to do but they did the act as best as they could. Though some students sometimes complained about their friends’ act which a bit weird, but overall they enjoyed the activity. For the production session, it was true that the researcher still allowed them to read their writing to share to other friends. The researcher realized that the students needed to build their self-confidence first before they could speak freely without looking at their note book. In the end, the researcher collected the students’ note book and ask some of them to tell about their activities yesterday and it was quite amazing that those students were able to explain their activities yesterday even though they spoke just the same as what they wrote on their note book, but at least they already did not need to read their book again to explain about their activities yesterday.

4. 1. 2. 1. 1 Material and Non-Projected Visual Media

Below was the material that the researcher used in the first cycle. For the presentation step, the researcher used some pictures. They were printed in A4 size and they were colourful. Because they were put on the whiteboard, it was hoped that all of the students could see them clearly. Figure 4. 1 Public Places Activities For the hand out, the researcher made the hand out by herself. Below was the hand out that the researcher used during the teaching and learning process in the first cycle. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Figure 4.2 WasWere Hand Out Figure 4. 3 Regular and Irregular Verbs Hand Out 1 Figure 4. 4 Regular and Irregular Verbs Hand Out 2 Figure 4. 5 Regular and Irregular Verbs Hand Out 3

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