1 Background of the Study

when they make a sentence, they are influenced a lot by the first language. They also do not hesitate to use an electronic device to create the sentence in English easily, however, this electronic device just translates it technically and often misleads the students. Teaching English to eighth grade students are not an easy thing to do. Based on the situation described above, a teacher must have a fresher idea to steal the students’ attention, greater patience to keep survive during the lesson, and better method to improve the students’ speaking skill. This is where the idea of this research was born.

1. 2 Problem Identification

This research is created because of the researcher taught English to the eighth grade students of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Junior High School in the second semester. This opportunity came up when the original English teacher, Miss Agnes had an accident and had to stay at home to do the recovery for a whole semester. The researcher was assigned to teach the eighth grade students in the second semester. However, the facts that the researcher found in the field were quite surprising. It is known that Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is a three languages school means that the students will have to learn three languages in this school which are Indonesian, Mandarin, and English. For English itself, it is divided into two subjects, namely Bahasa Inggris, and English. Bahasa Inggris is the subject that the researcher taught in this school. At the first meeting, the researcher spoke English for the whole time and it surprised the students for they did not know what the teacher was talking about. This was also surprised the researcher since the researcher thought that the students’ speaking ability was quite good. When PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the researcher taught a very simple conversation, many of them did not know the meaning of the conversation that made them keep asking the meaning of the words that they did not know. Based on the fact above, the researcher decided to make a research on how to improve the students’ speaking ability since speaking is the crucial part of English which is very important to master, especially in the 21st century. However, since the students in the eighth grade of this school are considered quite unique, there are only seven students in the classroom, who are easily to get bored or to sleep during the lesson, the researcher planned to use non-projected visual media to improve the students’ speaking ability. The use of the media in here besides to improve the students’s speaking ability but also to reduce the boredom factor that can steal the students’ attention and give more motivation for the students to learn English in the classroom.

1. 3 Problem Limitation

There are many media that can be used to improve the Junior High School students’ speaking ability. There are also many ways to attract the students’ attention during the lesson. However, the researcher only focuses to the use of non- projected visual media to improve the students’ speaking skill. Non-projected visual media are the simplest media of all regardless of the teacher’s age, time, sense of creativity, budget, and experience. The non-projected visual media material is easy to find, easy to make, and it does not need any electricity, therefore the researcher decided to conduct the research on it. They look simple but in the reality not many teachers are able to use and create it. Besides speaking, the other three English skills such as listening, writing and reading are actually considered important too. However, since speaking is the skill which the students will use directly in the daily conversation, then the researcher decided to do the research focus in improving the students’ speaking skill.

1. 4 Research Question

In order to investigate the relationship between the use of non-projected visual media and the Junior High School students’ speaking skill, the following research question is raised: 1. How do th e students’ speaking skill improve with the use of non-projected visual media?

1. 5 Research Objectives

There are many factors which can influence the students’ speaking skill such as the learning atmosphere in the classroom, the motivation, and the students’ ability in comprehending the material. Those factors can be the key to improve or to lower the students’ speaking skill. Giving only encouragement to the students will not be enough to motivate them to improve their speaking skill. Therefore, the correct tool is needed to help the students to improve their speaking skill. This research is conducted to find the connection between the students’ speaking skill and the use of non-projected visual media. By using non-projected visual media during the teaching and learning process, it is hoped that the students will make some improvement on their speaking skill. It is also hoped that non- projected visual media are able to give the new atmosphere in the teaching and learning process. In that way, the students will be more motivated and enthusiastic PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI in learning because in order to improve their speaking skill they need to lessen the burden that English is difficult to learn but English is fun to learn.

1. 6 Research Benefits

There are some benefits in conducting this research. If this research is connected to the sense of creativity of the teachers to create their own media to teach, then as Asmani 2009 says that developing the teacher’s potential is a very necessary thing to do. Ashari 2008 adds that the teachers who will have great career in the future are those who can develop their knowledge creatively and manage their time to do some productive activities. Creating their own media to teach especially non-projected visual media will help them to describe the situations that cannot be described in the classroom. The teacher will have higher motivation in teaching English because non- projected visual media will take the students’ attention to learn the language. Asmani 2009 states that in this globalization era the teacher must know how to create the learning process that can stimulate the students to think creative, divergence, and collaborative. The teacher must value the learning process and must not be oriented to instant learning. The teacher should know how to stimulate English as one of the competences that the students must be able to master. For the reader itself, hopefully this research can give more ideas in improving the students’ speaking ability. Non-projected visual media may look old fashioned or classic media, however, the media to create it are very modern media, such as computer, printer, and the most important is the internet connection to gain the pictures on the media. Since speaking ability has a great connection with habit formation, then the non-projected visual media will provide the drilling session that can make the students speak over and over again.

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