Action Research for Speaking Skill

which is only connected with their personal information. Meanwhile, the materials at the eighth grade are more complicated than the previous level. This situation may happen because they are lack of practice during the teaching and learning process. It also often happens that the teachers usually give more focus to reading and writing exercise since the final examination is more focus on reading. Mastering speaking skill at eighth grade is considered important for the development of the students’ English ability. The assumption that says it is not important for the eighth grade students to master the speaking skill is totally wrong. The earlier the students mastering speaking skill, the better they can comprehend the materials well in the higher levels. The good basic that they have in the lower level, will be their advantages in comprehending the materials in the higher levels. If the students are already familiar with the simple conversation, then they will not find any great difficulties in learning more complex conversation in the higher levels. In that way, the students are more prepared to face the greater challenge in the higher levels. The use of non-projected visual media in the teaching and learning process will improve the students’ motivation to learn English. According to Soekartiwi 1996, there are some advantages of using media in teaching and learning process. First, they can increase the learners’ motivation. Second, they can avoid the learners’ boredom. Third, they can make the learners easy to understand the instructional material. Fourth, they can make the teaching and learning process more systematic. Meanwhile, Sudjana and Rivai 1922 add the benefits of using media in teaching and learning process. The media can make the learning process will be more interesting, therefore it will increase the stu dents’ motivation to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI learn. The media can make the students easier to comprehend the material given; therefore, the learning objectives will be reached. The teaching method will be various, not only the teacher’s lecture, therefore the students will not be bored and the teacher can save the energy for the following lesson. The last advantage, the media can make the students do more learning activities such as observing, doing, demonstrating, playing, etc. The goal of this study is to improve the eighth grade students’ speaking skill. The old classical method of teaching which only focus on reading and writing will not do much to improve the students’ speaking skill. The use of non- projected visual media during the learning will give much help to the students to practice their speaking during the learning process. Since non-projected visual media can be used as the drilling media, they can help the students to speak more, over and over again without feeling bored especially if the teachers use the element of games during the practice. The main purpose of conducting the action research is to find the issues or the problems during the teaching learning process. Later on, the researchers may set some plans to overcome the problems. Stringer 2007 states action research as an approach which is quite systematic to the investigation and this research can make the people to find the best solutions for each problem that they have to deal every day. Through the results of the observations and the tests, it is hoped that the problems will be recognized and later on with the help of the colleague and the students, the problems are able to be solved. The results of reflection in the end of each cycle, definitely will give some feedback to the researcher to create better plans in improving the students’ speaking skill.

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