1. 2. 1. 3 Reflection RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

learning English will be much higher. [[trans.ref.1.Yoseph][Sggs 1][Sggs 2]] The researcher also needed to make the hand out simpler than the previous one since the students did not enjoy doing the written exercise, the researcher needed to reduce some written exercises on it. The main language function still needed to be presented and also the pattern of the grammar that they students were going to be studied should be explained clearly. Giving more pictures on the hand out perhaps would make the students more excited in doing the written exercise.

4. 1. 2. 2 Cycle 2

The second cycle was in April 2016. It took only one meeting to deliver the material. This meeting still continued the previous meeting material which was past tense activities. However, the topic of this meeting was past continuous tense. Since the students had learned some vocabularies in the previous meetings, it was hoped that the students would not find great difficulties in learning new tense in this meeting. Before the researcher entered the class, the researcher had prepared some big pictures that the researcher could use in presentation step. The researcher also already prepared some hand outs and some cards to be used in the teaching and learning process. The researcher hoped that the learning process in this cycle would be much better than the first. The researcher entered the class and revised the previous material about the activities that the students did yesterday or some time ago. Then the researcher introduced the negative sentences in past tense and revised again about how to make positive sentences. After checking the students’ understanding, the researcher continued to the next material. The researcher put some big pictures on PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the whiteboard. The picture was about the situation in the classroom. The picture was taken from the previous meeting therefore the students should be quite familiar with the picture. Then the researcher asked about the picture such as, “Where was it?”, “How was the school?”, “Were there many students in the classroom?”, “What were the students doing in the classroom at 8 a.m.?”, “What was the teacher doing at that time?”. Hearing the researcher questions, it was hoped that the students would answer using the pattern of past continuous tense such as, “They were studying”, and “The teacher was teaching”, or “The teacher was standing in front of the class”. However, the students answered using past tense from the previous lesson. They said, “The students studied”, and “The teacher stood in front of the class”. Therefore, the researcher should explain the difference of the use of past tense and the use of past continuous tense. After finished doing the presentation, the researcher gave some handouts to the students. Because the researcher knew that the students did not like doing the writing exercise much so the researcher minimized the writing exercises. The students did the writing exercises diligently although there were some students that looked a bit lazy and did the hand out lazily. They sometimes asked some questions whenever they found some difficulties in doing the exercise. In practice session, the researcher gave the activities cards to the students. These activities cards were a bit different than the first activities cards. The cards were not only pictures, but they were put on rummy cards. Therefore, the signs of the original rummy cards were still appeared quite clearly such as diamond, heart, spade, and clover. The researcher divided the students into two groups then in each group they could play fishing game. Each student should have four cards PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI from the pile. Then one card was opened from the pile. After that, the other students could throw the cards that had the same sign. Before the students threw the cards, they had to make a sentence using past continuous tense based on the picture on the card. The student who had the biggest number on the card might lead the game. In the end, the student who could finish his or her cards first was the winner of the game. For the production session, the researcher asked the students to interview all of their friends in the classroom. They had to walk around the class and asked their friends about their friends’ activities in certain time yesterday. After they finished with the interview activity, the students had to give report in the form of writing and speaking. Based on the observation that the researcher did during the teaching and learning process, it was shown that the students’ vocabulary had been improved even though not quite many but at least they did not ask the researcher to translate the words again as they usually did in the previous meetings. Although some students were still a bit lazy to do the writing exercises but this time they did it without complain. They also walked around the class to interview the other friends which was one of the things that they did not like to do, moving from their seat. When the students doing the practice activity using non-projected visual media, they looked very motivated to learn English. Sometimes they said the wrong words but the other friends would be quickly giving respond and some corrections to their friends’ mistakes. It could be seen that they helped each other in improving their speaking skill.

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