1 Theoretical Review 1. 1 Non-Projected Visual Media

Figure 2.4 A Poster There are some advantages of using poster. First, it can take people’s attention. Second, it can be used as a guide. Third, it can be used as a warning. Fourth, it can make people creative when they are making it. Fifth, it can be used as a campaign media. Chart is a picture which is represented from lines, pictures, and words. It is used to explain relation, development, and comparison about some things. Chart is divided into eleven. They are 1 organization chart, 2 painted chart, 3 comparison chart, 4 invisible chart, 5 conditional chart, 6 pieces chart, 7 guidance chart, 8 time chart, 9 growth chart, 10 schematic chart, 11 flip chart. Figure 2.5 A Chart Diagram is an open picture about an object or a process. It shows the picture of a piece of an object if we cut the object, for example the half cut of a flower. It can explain the picture by using lines and words. Figure 2.6 A Diagram Graph is a picture which is used visual symbols to explain the statistical data. It can be in a form of lines, dots, pictures, and circles. It makes the quantitative picture simpler and understandable. There are four kinds of graph, namely line graph, bar graph, picture graph, and circle graph. Figure 2.7 A Bar Graph Map is a picture which is explained about the shape of the earth. It shows the size and the position of the territory based on the scale. Based on the contain, map can be divided into three, namely physic map, economic map, and politic 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 January June November Corn Egg Sugar Rice map. Based on the shape, map can be divided into four, namely blind map, three- dimension map, atlas, and globe. Figure 2.8 A Map Realia are the imitation of the real object in a complete form. A model is an imitation of the real object in a form of three dimensions. Model has its own scale and it can be smaller or bigger size from the real objects itself. Figure 2.9 Realia and Model Boards are the non-projected visual media that usually available in every classroom. They are usually made of wood and usually their size is big. There are many kinds of board, namely black and white board, stencil board, blue print PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI board, display board, flannel board, fixed board, and announcement board. However, there are also some boards which are made from the paper that can be used by the teacher to drill the students to improve the s tudents’ vocabulary or grammar. Figure 2.10 Board The Importance of Using Media in the Classroom The use of media in the classroom is one of the ways to reduce the problems in teaching English. Ruis, et al 2009 say that the major problem of teaching English in classroom is that the learners are not interested in studying English. In order to make them interested in learning English, and make them more motivated in learning English, it is suggested that the English teachers should use media in their teaching and learning process. Media will make the class atmosphere more meaningful and enjoyable. Arsyad 2010 says that visual media hold a very important role in the learning process. Visual media can help the students’ understanding about the material and they can make the memory stronger. Visual media can raise the students’ interest and become a bridge between the real world and the material that is conducting by the teacher. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Media are very useful in learning process. Ruis, Muhyidin, and Waluyo 2009 state that the teachers and the learners are helped by using media to achieve the learning goals. The teachers should apply the media in teaching and learning activities because 1 media can solve the lack of the learners’ experiences. Since the learners have different background such as family life, society, and social economic, the learners who live in different areas will have different experiences. 2 Media can reach everything out of the classroom. There are so many things around the learners that cannot be reached by themselves, such as: bacteria, virus, etc. To know and to see those tiny things, we must use a microscope as a media. We use a picture to present things which cannot be brought into the classroom such as markets, stations, and harbors. 3 Media create the possible direct interaction between the learners and their environment. 4 Media produce some observation. The learners’ observation can be directed into the important things based on the teachers’ aims. 5 Media can keep the basic, concrete and real concepts of the teaching. 6 The learners’ motivation is aroused by using media in learning. 7 Media integrate the experience from the concrete things to the abstract ones.

2. 1. 1. 2 The Preparation of Using Visual Media Before Teaching

Before a teacher comes into the classroom, he should prepare the media that he is going to use during the teaching and learning process. Latuheru 1988 says that it is very important for a teacher to plan, and to choose the right media before he uses it to teach. It is advisable that the media should be a media that is well mastered by the teacher, therefore during the teaching and learning process, a teacher knows how to manage the media and knows how to handle the problems or the difficulties that might appear in the middle of the lesson. There are some steps that the teacher can do before he prepares the media. The first thing that a teacher must do before he plans an activity in the middle of the lesson is analyze the characteristics of the students. Latuheru 1988 states that the failure of the teacher in conducting the teaching and the learning proc ess is caused by the teacher’s fail in analyzing the students’ characteristic. Therefore, it is very important for a teacher to identify and to know the students specifically. The students can be identified from two types of characteristics, namely general characteristic such as age, sex, the level of the class, culture, economic factor, and special characteristic such as the level of the knowledge, ability, attitude toward the lesson that is going to be explained. The second thing that a teacher must do before he plans the activity is matching the media with the topic that is going to be discussed in the teaching and learning process. The media should fit with the students’ characteristics. The correct media will help the teacher to explain the material smoothly. After the teacher analyze the students’ characteristics, the teacher must set the goal that he is going to be achieved in teaching and learning process. Latuheru 1988 says that the main goal in here it means something that the students will get from the teaching and learning process. For example, when a teacher wants to teach a certain topic and the main goal is to improve the students’ speaking skill, therefore the media that the teacher must prepare should be the media that can make the students speak more during the lesson. If the teacher wants the student to improve writing skill, then the media should encourage the students to write more during the lesson. The teacher can PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI use a big picture in front of the class and then ask the students to interpret the situation in the picture. Later on, the students can write about the situation in the classroom. After the teacher has set the main goal that he is going to achieve, the teacher can choose, change or fix the media, and design the media. Many non- projected visual media are ready made. Most of them are available in the market; therefore, the school or even the teacher himself can buy them easily. There are some factors that the teachers need to consider in choosing the right media for the students. Latuheru 1988 states that the teachers should consider the students’ characteristics, the goal that the teacher wants to achieve, the teaching method, and the problems during the teaching and learning process. Even though most of the visual media are available in the market, there are some media that are not sold in the market. Therefore, a teacher can make use the media that are already available in the school or the teacher can modify the media based on the topic and the students’ need. In modifying and creating the new media will need the teacher’s sense of creativity. That is why this step is quite challenging for the teacher because not many teachers are able to do it and not many teachers have some available time to do it.

2. 1. 2 The Nature of Speaking

The nature of speaking consists several important things. To get more clear picture about speaking then the definition of speaking itself need to be discussed. We also need to know the differences of speaking as a skill and as a knowledge. There are also some elements of speaking skill that we should know, namely pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Those PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI elements are wrapped into one and each of it has strong relation between one to another. 2. 1. 2. 1 The Definition of Speaking When people learn a new language which is totally different from their own first language, they will highly say that among the four language skills, which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing, speaking will be the most difficult skill to learn. Alderson Bachman 2004 state that there are two reasons why many people think that speaking is the hardest skill to learn. The first reason, speaking is different from reading or writing. It happens in real time. Real time in here means that you do not have much time to produce the words since the person whom you are talking to is waiting for your answer. The second reason is that you are not able to change or edit the words that you have said just the way that you do when you are writing something. Once you say the words, you can never take them back. Alderson Bachman 2004 say that speaking is an oral or productive skill which consists of the process of producing the systematic verbal utterances in order to create the meaningful words. It is different from the written language which can be seen, permanent, there is some punctuation, there is no feedback, there is a lot of time to plan it, and revise it. Speaking is connected with auditory which you can only hear, it is temporary, means that the speaker will not repeat the words over and over, it has rhythm and intonation, it needs feedback immediately, and you do not have much time to create the idea or even to revise the words that you have said. Therefore, we can tell that the people who learn the foreign language a lot from the textbook will sound bookish, means they speak just like a book or written language which is so stiff. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Speaking is not always long like a sentence in a book. Luoma 2004 mentions that speaking can be considered as the units of idea. When people speak, they usually create short phrases, clauses connected with and, or, but, that, or maybe not joined by conjunctions at all but simply spoken next to each other, sometimes there will be a short pause between them. The grammar that being used in spoken language is usually simpler than the written language. This situation happens because the speaker is trying to communicate the ideas that the listener needs to comprehend at the moment of speaking. It has connection with the listener ’s memory while the words are being spoken. Therefore, the units of idea usually take time for about two seconds or seven words long. Speaking can also be said as a try to communicate with each other in verbal language. McDonough and Shaw 1993 state that speaking is desire and purpose driven which means that it is originally an effort to communicate something and it should achieve an ending. It involves expressing ideas and opinions, expressing a wish or a desire to do something, negotiating or solving a particular problem, establishing or maintaining social relationship and friendship. Therefore, when we create some dialogs, there will always be an opening, contain, and closing. Meanwhile, Nunan 1989 says that spoken language consists of short, incomplete utterances, and has strong connection with pronunciations. There will be some repetitions and overlaps between one speaker to another speaker. The speakers usually use the object pronoun of the things rather than saying the original name of the thing such as ‘this’, ‘that’, or ‘it’. From those explanations above then it can be concluded that speaking is the units of idea which contain some vocabularies and those vocabularies are wrapped

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