3 The Results of the Students’ Need Analysis

many chances for them to speak English more during the lesson. Therefore, the researcher had to find better metho d to improve the students’ speaking skill. Table 4.5 The Use of Media for Learning Speaking in the Classroom. No Statements Mean Meaning 21 The learning activities for speaking so far only depend on the text book. 4.57 strongly agree 22 The learning activities for speaking should use more media than just only use textbook. 4.28 strongly agree 23 I can understand the material better if there are some pictures that help explain the situation. 4.14 strongly agree 24 I feel more excited when the learning activities of speaking used some pictures. 4.28 strongly agree 25 The learning activities of speaking will be much more fun by using cards, flashcards, and board game. 4.42 strongly agree Average 4.33 strongly agree The values of the statements were between 4.28 up to 4.57. They indicated that the students strongly agreed with the statements. From the values, it could be concluded that the students needed to use media other than text book to improve their understanding in grasping the material. The use of non-projected visual media such as cards, flashcards, and board game would make the students more enthusiastic in learning speaking during the lesson. It was also hoped that the use of non-projected visual media could improve the students’ speaking skill. Those conclusion was also supported by the results of the interview which has been mentioned above and the results of the students’ pre-test of speaking. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Table 4.6 The Results of the Students’ Pre-Test of Speaking Number Minimum Maximum Mean 7 60 72 63.85 From the results of the pre- test, it can be seen that the students’ speaking skill was very low. The researcher only asked several simple questions about their personal information. However, not many students were able to answer them successfully. Many students could not answer the simple question such as, “How old are you? ”. They often answered it by “I am fine, thank you”. This condition gave no benefit to the students. They needed to improve their speaking skill for the good of their own future. Therefore, action research was applied in this class in order to improve the students’ speaking skill by the use of non-projected visual media.

4. 1. 1. 4 The Students’ Problem in Speaking

After conducting an observation, interview, and pre-test with the students, there were some problems that the students needed to deal to improve their speaking skill. The first problem was about the vocabulary. The learning activities so far in the classroom have not helped us yet to speak English more. While we need to improve our speaking skill. [[trans.na][Pr 3][Pr.4]] Many students were often difficult to deliver their ideas because they did not know what to say. However, the most important was they did not know the meaning of the words that other speaker said. Therefore, it was impossible to answer the other speaker’s question when they did not even know the meaning of their questions. From those situations it could be concluded that vocabulary held the main aspect of speaking. Without enough knowledge of vocabulary then it would be impossible for the students to speak English better. See further in Apendix 1, page 135 The second problem was about the motivation to learn English. To improve the students’ speaking skill certainly would be started from learning English itself. However, the students often felt bored and not interested in learning English. The lesson was just very ordinary. Nothing was interesting. There was no game at all. [[trans.na][Pr 1][Pr 2]] They thought that English was pretty difficult to learn and they often lost motivation to learn it. Therefore, they often ignored the teacher and they chose to sleep during the lesson rather than listen to the teacher’s explanation. They also did not enjoy the regular teaching activities such as listening to the teacher’s explanation, doing the written exercises on the book, and writing on their note book. They expected something different that could take their attention and their boredom. See further in Apendix 1, page 135 The third problem was about the grammar. It was an open secret for anyone that learning grammar was never an easy task to do. Studying grammar often made the students confused especially if they only learnt how to write it but rarely to practice it in reality. Learning grammar by theory and minus practice would only make the students more difficult to learn English and it made them to give up easily in learning English. Therefore, it was the job for the teacher to make learning grammar was easier to learn and more fun to study.

4. 1. 1. 5 The Solution to Overcome the Problems

After having some discussion with the students about their problems in improving their speaking skill, then the researcher and the students tried to find the best solution to overcome their problems. Talking about vocabulary, the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI students always found difficulties in memorizing the new vocabulary. They often forgot the new words every time they met the new vocabulary. They also did not like the memorizing activity because it took too much energy to do and it was a boring activity. Especially when they had another lesson to learn also in that day and it made them not focus to memorize the new vocabulary. Therefore, they needed some media that could help them to memorize the vocabulary easily and it was fun to do. We need to do more practice to improve our speaking skill and we think that we will be more motivated to learn English by using some visual media and games. [[trans.na][Sl 1][Sl 2]] Talking about motivation to learn, the students often felt bored learning English in the classroom. They did not like the classical way of teaching such as listening to the teacher’s explanation only, taking notes and then spending the whole time to learn grammar and writing. They expected something fresh to do in the classroom. They wanted to do something different in learning process that would challenge their ability and take their attention. Therefore, they needed some media that could take their attention and motivate them to learn English in the classroom. See further in Apendix 1, page 135 Talking about grammar, the students often felt difficult to learn about English grammar. There were too many rules to remember and they often forgot the rules. It was pretty difficult for them to differ the rules from one tense to another tenses. They sometimes understood when one tense was being learned but then when other tenses were introduced, they often forgot the rules of previous tenses that they had learned. Therefore, they needed some media that could make them easy to learn grammar and to practice in the real life or conversation. So they did not only write it but also applied it in speaking activity. After having discussion with the colleague in this school, then the researcher decided to use non-projected visual media in teaching English. Since non-projected visual media provided many pictures which could help the students to memorize better. The pictures were also quite interesting and they were not boring to look. Non-projected visual media also could be a very fun media to be used in teaching and learning process. With some combinations through games, non-projected visual media could make the students more interested in learning English. Non-projected visual media also could help the students to learn grammar not in a formal way but through some games. In that way, the students would not feel the burden but they would feel more relax and enjoy the learning process. When the researcher offered to use of non-projected visual media in teaching and learning process, they agreed to use them. They were also quite curious about the form and how to use them in speaking activity.

4. 1. 2 The Cycles of Action Research

There were three cycles that the researcher implemented in this research. The three cycles will be explained in here. In each cycle will contain the discussion about the material and non-projected visual media that were used during the research, the process of the learning speaking in the classroom, the result of the reflection, the result of the test and the plan that the researcher would carry for the next cycle.

4. 1. 2. 1 Cycle 1

The first cycle took two meetings to finish the materials. The first meeting topic was about was and were, and the second meeting topic was about regular and irregular verbs in past tense. The first cycle was conducted in March 2016. The lesson was lasted for about 80 minutes. The researcher had prepared the material first before the researcher came into the class. The students looked anxious with the material that the researcher would teach on this day because the researcher had explained in the previous day that non-projected visual media would be used in the teaching and learning process started from this day. Today’s material was about was or were in past tense because in the syllabus, the next materials should be taught in second semester were narrative text and recount text, therefore, learning past tense would be the basic of the lesson that the students needed to master before learning more about narrative and recount text since the basic grammar of those materials was past tense. The researcher started the lesson by revising the previous lesson then the researcher began the presentation. The researcher put some pictures of public places on the white board. Then the researcher asked the students to observe the pictures and found out the situation happened in the picture. For example, the picture of the school. The researcher asked, “Where was Anton yesterday?”. The students answere d, “school.” The researcher corrected the students’ answer, “Anton was at school.” The teacher asked another question, “How was the school?”. The students did not know the meaning of the question so they did not answer the question. After the researcher gave more elicitation such as, “Was the school crowded? Were there many people at school? Was there a teacher in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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