The technique of Collecting Data

in teaching imperative sentence by using Total Physical Response TPR method and students’ response after learning grammar with new method. The interview note can be found in the appendix.

c. Test

In this research, the writer also uses test. The writer gives the test before and after implementing the Classroom Action Research. The writer called the test before Classroom Action Research with pretest and the test after Classroom Action Research with posttest. The writer conducts the pretest to get more understanding about students’ difficulties in using imperative sentence and to know the students’ understanding of imperative sentence before using Total Physical Response method. And the writer gives posttest to know whether the students’ understanding of imperative sentence is improving or not after using Total Physical Response method. The pretest is held before implementing the Classroom Action Research and the posttest is held in the end of the second action of each cycle. The tests are done in multiple choices and fill in. Multiple choices are consists of 20 questions and fill in are consists of 5 questions. In fill in test, the students should fill in the blanks with the correct verb that suitable to complete the imperative sentence.

H. The Technique of Data Analysis

The analysis qualitative data used in this skripsi is the observation of the teacher and the students’ activities during the teaching learning process in the classroom and the interview with the teacher carried out before and after Classroom Action Research. In this case, the writer collects the entire data which have been gained for the needs of the analysis. In analyzing the quantitative data, the writer uses the statistic technique. First the writer begins with getting the average of students’ score before implementing Classroom Action Research and getting the average students’ score in each score. It was used to know the students’ score as a whole on imperative sentence. It uses the formula: 5 : mean x : individual score n : number of student Second, the writer tries to get the class percentage which achieved the KKM 60 sixty. It uses the formula: 6 P : the class percentage F : total percentage score N : number of students The third or the last, after getting mean of students’ score each cycle, the writer identifies whether or not there might have students’ improvement score on imperative sentence from pre-test until posttest score in cycle 1 and cycle 2. To analyze that, the writer uses the formula: 7 P : percentage of students’ improvement y : pre-test result y1 : post-test 5 Sudjana, Metode Statistika, Bandung: PT.Trasito, 2002, p. 67. 6 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT.Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008, p. 43. 7 David E. Meltzer, The Relationship between Mathematics Preparation and Conceptual Learning Gains in Physics: A possible Hidden Variable in Diagnostic Pretest score, Iowa: Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2008, p. 3. P = X 100

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