Planning Phase Classroom Action Research CAR Procedures

same time the teacher stands up, indicating with a gesture that the students should do the same. The teacher then says walk, and walks across the room, indicating to the students to do the same. Further instruction follow: Stop…turn around…walk…stop…turn around…sit down. Each time the teacher acts out the instruction and the students follow. When, by this means, they have returned to their seats, the teacher signals to the student on his left to remain stated. The sequence is then repeated, but this time only the students on the right performs the actions, following the instruction from the teacher, who, along with the other student, remains seated. When the student has successfully performed the instructions, it is the turn of the second student. This time the order of the instructions is slightly varied. The teacher next calls on one or two more students from the class to perform the set of instructions. Step 2: The teacher introduces some vocabularies of various features of the classroom to the students, such as board, door, table, window, chair, floor, light, etc., simply by pointing to each one and saying its name a few times while students listen. With one student teacher then demonstrates, following a similar procedure as in Step 1, the instructions: point to…, walk to…, touch…, open…, and close…, using as subjects the classroom features previously taught. For example, walk to the door, open the door, close the door, turn around, walk to the board, point to the window, touch the floor… The student performs the actions while the rest of the classes watch. Further students act out similar sets of instructions given by the teacher, who gradually increases the number and density of instructions, so that students soon have to listen to a complex set of instructions before they actually start to perform them. Step 3: The students and the teacher then demonstrate the meaning of Don’t… by telling the student: Stand up. Don’t walk. Don’t turn around. Sit down…, indicating when it is appropriate to

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