Observing Findings of the First Cycle a. Planning

students also could answer the question correctly and they felt comfortable to response the question. Nevertheless, most of students still keep asking in doing the act of verb. After teaching learning process finished, the teacher also conducted the posttest 1 in 30 minutes. It was aimed at measuring how well the students’ understanding on the imperative sentence that had been studied. Based on the result of the posttest 1, the mean score of the class was 48.42. There were 11 students who achieved the minimal mastery level criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM 60 sixty.

d. Reflecting

After implementing the Classroom Action Research, the writer and the teacher discussed about the conclusion of the action implementation. Based on the observation result, the writer advised the teacher to talk slowly. The teacher talked too fast when explaining the pattern of imperative sentence. Then, the teacher had to give more attention to the students who still confused in doing the action or the exercise. And help them if the students really could not do the action. The teacher also needed to change the classroom set up, so, students could see the action easily and teacher had fairly good access to most students. Even though only several students achieved the minimal mastery level criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM, the teacher and the writer assumed that the method used in the research had already shown a good effect. It could be seen from the students who achieved the minimal mastery level criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM that from 3 students who could achieve the minimal mastery level criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM in the pretest to 11 students in posttest 1 or in the percentage 7.89 to 28.94 students who achieved the minimal mastery level criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM. The teacher and the writer satisfied to get the result which had already shown improvement. However, there were still several aspects that need to be modified related to the condition in the class. Most of students were still can not response the command and doing the act of verb properly. And the students still did the mistake when they had to write the sentence of imperative into the right pattern of imperative sentence. And they seemed hard to response the teacher when the teacher gave them some questions in imperative sentence. Some students also seemed not enthusiastic in doing the act of verb because they did not know what they have to do because the teacher delivered command was unclear. After reflecting the process and the result of the cycle 1 of Classroom Action Research, the writer and the teacher tried to modify the lesson plan in order to make students more enthusiastic to do the act of verb and all the action or the exercise to make the students understand of imperative sentence and in order 70 of students in the class could achieve the minimal mastery level criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM because in the result of posttest 1 showed only 28.94 of students who achieved the minimal mastery level criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM. From the reflecting phase above, there must be more efforts to improve students’ understanding of imperative sentence by using Total Physical Response method. This effort was done in the modified lesson plan. The students’ score must be improved than before.

3. Findings of the Second Cycle a. Planning

After seeing the result of the first cycle the writer and the teacher decided to conduct the next cycle. In this phase, the writer modified the previous lesson plan based on the result of reflecting phase in the first cycle. The lesson plan which was used still related to

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