Acting Findings of the Second Cycle a. Planning

sentence into a short dialogue. So, they could see the complete imperative sentence and how to response it. After that, the teacher started to explain the pattern of imperative again to make them more understand about the imperative sentence. After that, the teacher asked the students to make an imperative sentence and gave command to other students. If they made good command and students who got the command response the command correctly. It means that the students understand the imperative sentence. After that, the teacher gave them some exercise. Those are: complete the sentence below with the expression by using polite request and complete the utterances with the correct words. In the second action, firstly the teacher wrote one of the problems and then gave the suggestion for that problem. Next, the verb that used in the suggestion, the teacher was doing the act of verb to make them analyze the meaning of the suggestion. After that, the students turned to do the act of verb with another verb that was used in imperative sentence. The teacher explained again the pattern of imperative sentence. After that, the teacher asked them to write their own problem, and other students should give the suggestion with using the imperative sentence. Then students wrote the verb that had already learned by them and made the verb into sentence. The teacher read and acted the sentence. After that, the teacher gave them some exercises. Those were: Make suggestions with why don’t you and complete the utterances with the correct expression in the box.

c. Observing

Generally, in the second cycle the class condition in learning process was better than the first cycle. In this cycle, the students were under controlled. They were enthusiastic in doing the act of verb, some students were more active than before and the students also could answer the question. The students also made a good imperative sentence command and request properly. So, their friends could response the command or request properly. Then, when they had a group work they could work together. Furthermore, when they were given exercises by the teacher, they did it individually without cheating one another. According to the teacher’s performance, he showed some improvements. He talked quite clear and slow so the students got the point from what he explained and got the instruction clearly and gave more attention to the students who still keep asking when doing the act of verb and doing the exercise. Next, related to the students’ response, they also had a good improvement, they could to do the act of verb of imperative sentence. The act of verb made the students know the verb that was used in imperative sentence and more active when the teaching learning process. In conclusion, most of students seemed improve in their understanding on the imperative sentence that could be seen from the result of the posttest 2. In the second action of cycle two, the teacher was conducted the posttest 2 regarding the students’ improvement on understanding of imperative sentence. Based on the result of the posttest 2, the mean score of the class in the imperative sentence test gained 64.84 in which there were 29 students who achieved the minimal mastery level criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM score 60.

d. Reflecting

After finishing each phase in cycle 2, the writer and the teacher discussed the conclusion of the action of cycle 2. This phase was carried out after getting the score result of imperative sentence test. The writer and the teacher felt satisfied because their effort to improve students’ understanding of imperative sentence was successful. From the result test, it could be seen that students could understand the imperative sentence well. It was proven by their improving score from pretest 1 to posttest 2. Furthermore, they could

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