Types of Learning and activities

5. The Advantage and Disadvantage of Total Physical Response

Just like any method that use in teaching in the classroom, Total Physical Response also has advantage and disadvantage. For the advantage, it could help teacher to deliver the material with a fun way, because Total Physical Response involve physical activities in teaching learning activity. Students will enjoy getting up out their chairs and moving around. This is in line with the principles of TPR that is “Language learning is more effective when it is fun”. 54 It means that learning a foreign language with Total Physical Response helps the student interest to the lesson and it helps student to understand the meaning of the sentence. Meanwhile, Setiyadi said that “to avoid the students from stress, language class consists of commands and language learners perform physically”. 55 Based on that definition, we could see that with physical activities students will ready to receive the lesson that teaches by the teacher because they did not feel stress. However, Total Physical Response also has disadvantage. The disadvantage of Total Physical response is the limitation of students’ vocabulary. In Total Physical Response, teacher stress to students that they may guess the meaning of the sentence by performing the actions in accordance with the command. If students have lack of vocabulary, they will not understand the command and make them confuse. Confusion in performing the actions may cause boredom and frustration. 56 If students feel bored, they will not focus when studying the lesson and ignore the teacher. Because of that, teacher must be careful in choosing words to teach. In conclusion, the advantage of Total Physical Response is providing the teaching learning activities with a fun way or students perform the commands from the teacher with physical movement. And the disadvantage of Total Physical Response is students will not understand the command if the students have lack of vocabulary. 54 Diane Larsen-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 112. 55 Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English as A Foreign Language, Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2006, p. 132. 56 Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English as A Foreign Language, … p. 128. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter is presented to describe research methodology that used in this skripsi. This chapter concerns with the method of research, subject, and object of the study, time and place, research design, the Classroom Action Research CAR procedures, the technique of collecting data, the technique of data analysis, the validity of data, the trustworthiness of study, and the criterion of the action success.

A. The Method of Research

In this study, the writer uses Classroom Action Research CAR method. According to Mills, he defined action research as follows: Action research is any systematic inquiry conducted by teacher researchers, principals, school counselors, or other stakeholder in the teaching learning environment to gather information about how their particular school operate, how they teach, and how well their students learn. This information gathered with the goals of gaining insight, developing reflective practice, effective positive changes in the school environment, and improving student outcomes and the lives of those involved. 1 Based on the statement above, it can be assumed that action research is a research to get information about everything that happened in school and try to 1 Geoffrey E. Mills, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall, 2003, p. 5. 25

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