p. 210. The Criterion of the Action Success

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS This chapter presents the result of the research. In this case, it discusses the result of the research in improving students’ understanding of imperative sentence by using Total Physical Response at VII-D class of SMPN 1 Cimarga academic year 20102011. This chapter concerns with the description of the data before the implementation the Classroom Action Research, during the implementation of Classroom Action Research, and after implementing the Classroom Action Research and the interpretation of the data.

A. The Description of the Data 1. Findings before Implementing the Classroom Action Research CAR

a. The Result of Pre Interview

The pre interview in this study was the unstructured interview. Unstructured interview is an informal interview. The questions that were used in unstructured interview were about opinion, attitude, or other questions that could be asked freely by interviewer to the interviewee without using alternative answer. Pre interview was held on Wednesday, May 12 th 2010 started at 10.00 A.M and finished at 11.00 A.M. The writer asked some questions to the teacher about teaching learning process before the action of Classroom Action Research. The question was divided into three categories. Those were general situation in English class particularly on students’ understanding on the imperative sentence, the difficulties faced by 40 students in learning imperative sentence, and the strategy that was used by the teacher previously before Classroom Action Research to solve the students’ difficulties in understanding the imperative sentence. The first category discussed about the general situation in English teaching and learning in the classroom; the goals of the learning process; and aspect of grammar especially in imperative sentence that suitable for the research. The teacher said that most of the students did not like the English class because they did not understand what the teacher explained especially when learning grammar. It made them ignore the teacher and talked with other students while the teacher explained the subject. The teacher also said that the time allocation for English subject was not enough to deliver the material. Besides, students did not follow the English course outside the school. They thought English as a difficult subject primarily on grammar. The teacher said that grammar is the primarily problem that faced by the students including imperative sentence. The teacher stated that the students are still hard in understanding the imperative sentence. Those conditions affect to the students to achieve the minimal mastery level criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM score 60. Most of students in VII-D class were still hard to achieve the minimal mastery level criterion or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal KKM. The second category is related to the students’ difficulties in understanding the imperative sentence. The teacher said that most of the students in VII-D class did not know how to construct the imperative sentence grammatically because they did not understand the formula or the pattern of imperative sentence. This problem is probably happened because students’ mindset on Indonesian language still dominates them. Next, when the teacher was giving a command to the students, they did not respond the teacher’s command properly. The teacher also said that the students were hardly to focus on the subject. It makes them did not pay attention and ignored the teacher.

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