The Principles of Total Physical Response

b. New commands. In this phase, the teacher delivered the verb that will

introduce to the student. After that, the teacher asks simple question to students and students could answer with a gesture.

c. Role reversal.

After students understand the command, students readily volunteered to utter another commands. The role reversal should be done gradually since the very essence of Total Physical Response is listening and comprehension before production. And the teacher does not hurry the students into speaking. 45 This phase is to test how far students’ understanding of new commands which is given. When students are ready to speak, they become the ones who issue the commands. “After students begin speaking, activities expand to include skits and games.” 46 It means that in the classroom we can add some skits and games to make teaching learning activity more fun. From another book the writer found novel commands. This is similar with the role reversal, the different is in novel commands the student selected at random were able to perform quickly and confidently, familiar utterances were recombined to produce commands the students had never heard before but could instantly understand. 47

d. Reading and writing. Until this phase only listening and some speaking

are introduced to students. Writing also need to introduce. Reading and writing in Total Physical Response may flow after the students are able to comprehend the commands. 48 It means that reading and writing can be done after students’ comprehensions of the command are established. The following is another procedure suggested by Asher in Richards and Rodgers’ book, who stated that “the instructor wrote on the chalkboard each new vocabulary item and a sentence to illustrate the item. Then she 45 Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English as A Foreign Language, Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2006, p. 137. 46 Diane Larsen-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 114. 47 Robert W. Blair, Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching, Rowley: Newbury House Publishers, inc., 1982, p. 60. 48 Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English as A Foreign Language, … p. 138.

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