The Method of Research

make a positive change in teaching learning activity and to improve students’ outcomes. According to Sukidin, “Classroom Action Research is a research carried out by teacher to solve the problem that faced when teacher is doing his or her duty, which is managing teaching learning activity.” 2 It means that Classroom Action Research is used to solve any problems that happen in teaching learning activity. So, the teacher should identify the problem that happened in the classroom concerned to the students’ condition in learning process. This is in line with Wallace who said that action research is different from other research method which is always arises from some specific problem that happened in the classroom and tries to find the possible solution. 3 From those statements we can say that sometimes teacher will find problems in the classroom when doing the teaching learning process, so the teacher’s duty is to find an appropriate method or strategy that suitable to overcome the problems that happened in teaching learning activity. The teacher implements an action research because only the teacher who knows the condition of hisher classroom, the students, and the problem that are faced by students during the teaching learning activities. The teacher understands what the classroom should be, how to develop the students’ understanding in material and any other related things in teaching learning activity. The writer sees that Classroom Action Research can give the teacher new opportunities to improve hisher skill in teaching and to asses hisher teaching. Action research is one of the efforts of the teacher to overcome the problems that are faced by the students during the teaching learning activities. This effort hopefully will improve the quality of the teacher in teaching. 2 Sukidin, Manajemen Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Jakarta: Insan Cendikia, 2007, p. 10. 3 Michale J.Wallace Action Research for Language Teachers, Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 5-15.

B. The Subject and the Object of Study 1. The subject of Study

The subject of this study is students at grade VII-D of SMPN 1 Cimarga, academic year 20102011. The number of students is 38 thirty eight.

2. The Object of Study

The object of the study is Total Physical Response method. It was used to improve students’ understanding of imperative sentence.

C. The writer’s Role on the Study

The writer’s role in this research is an observer. But, the writer is not only become as the observer but she also makes the lesson plan and the tests before Classroom Action Research pre-test and after Classroom Action Research post-test in each final cycle. Then, the writer also collect and analyzes the data and reporting the result of the study. While the teacher carried out the action based upon the lesson plan has been made by the writer.

D. The Time and Place of the Study

Before doing the action research, the writer observes the condition of the class to get the information about problems that faced by students and interview the teacher about the condition of the students. Observation and interview are held in May 2010.The Classroom Action Research is started in January 2011. The cycle one is started in the second week of January and cycle two is started in the third week of January 2011. The place is at grade VII-D class of SMPN 1 Cimarga, academic year 20102011. Table 3.1 Schedule of the Research Month and Week 2010 2011 M a y J u ne J u ly O c to b e r N o v e mb er D ec emb er J a nua r y F e b r ua r y No. Activities 2 3 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 Interview x 2 Observation x 3 Proposal x x x x x x x x x x x x x 4 Instrument x x 5 Cycle 1 x 6 Cycle 2 x 7 Report x x

E. The Research Design

In this skripsi, the writer uses the Classroom Action Research procedure of Kurt Lewin’s design. It consists of two cycles in which each cycle contains four phases; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

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