Types of Classroom Writing Performances

25 write their work. In this role, teachers are available for giving advice and suggestions for the students in a constructive and tactful way during the process. It can be said that teachers should provide enough knowledge for the students to help them in each stage of writing processes. They also should always be available in the process of writing to help students and give them advice. The third role is as feedback providers. Giving feedback is very important in writing as students can reflect from the feedback given by teachers. Teachers should respond and comment positively and encouragingly to the content of what the students have written. In giving feedback, teachers should know and choose what and how much to focus on what students need at this particular stage of their studies and on the tasks they have undertaken. In conclusion, teachers should give useful feedback for the students that still respect their opinions. As summary, teachers have important roles in teaching writing. Teachers have to realize and be responsible to their roles as facilitators, motivators, resources, and feedback providers.

f. Teaching Writing in Junior High School

According to the school-based curriculum that is developed by BSNP 2006 the purposes of teaching English in Junior High School in Indonesia are: 1 developing the stu dents’ oral competence and writing competence in order to achieve functional literation level, 26 2 developing students’ awareness of the importance of English in improving Indonesia’s competitiveness at the world’s level, 3 developing students’ understanding on the relationship between cultures and language. Related to school based curriculum, National Education Department has proposed the aim of teaching writing in junior high school and also the standard competence and basic competence that can be used by teachers in teaching writing. Based on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Permendiknas Nomor 23 Tahun 2006, the aim of teaching and learning writing in junior high school is to make students able to express meanings in interpersonal and transactional language, either informally or formally, in the form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, and report in the daily life context. Furthermore, the standard of competence and the basic competence of Grade VIII students of junior high school in the second semester are presented as follows. Table 2.1: Standard of Competence and Basic Competence of Junior High School Students Grade VIII Semester 2 Standard of competence Basic competence 12. Expressing meanings of written functional texts and short simple essays in the form of recount and narrative texts to interact with the closest environment. 12.1 Expressing meanings of short functional text using written language accurately, fluently, and acceptably in daily life contexts. 12.2 Expressing meanings and rhetorical steps within short essays using written language accurately, fluently, and acceptably in daily life contexts in the form of recount and narrative texts