Research Validity and Reliability

48 1. Reconnaissance The objective of this stage was to find facts and information on the problems in the field about the students’ writing ability. In order to find the information, the researcher conducted an observation and interviews with the English teacher and some of the students. The researcher then conducted a pre- testto measure the students ’ writing skill. After identifying the problems gained from the interview, observation, and pre-test, the researcher planned actions to overcome the problems related to the students’ writing ability. 2. Planning The researcher and the collaborator worked together to find the solutions that were feasible to overcome the problems. They planned to use picture series as media in teaching writing to over come the students’ writing ability problems. 3. Action and observation In this step, the researcher implemented the action and the collaborators, who were also acted as the observers, observed, and took notes during the process. She then collected the data based on what happened during the teaching and learning process. The researcher and collaborators then reviewed the materials, reviewed the result of the action and did discussions for the next action. 4. Reflection The researcher and the collaborators made reflections related to the actions implemented. It was done by interviewing the students and the teacher about the action implemented. The reflections were used to know the successful 49 and unsuccessful actions that were implemented. The successful action would be reapplied and the unsuccessful one would be changed to suit the needs. 50


This chapter presents the research findings and the discussion. There will be three sections in this chapter. The first section presents the processes of the research, the second section reports the findings, and the third section presents the discussion of the research.

A. Research Findings

1. Reconnaissance

In reconnaissance, some activities were conducted to find problems in the field. First, an observation was done to know the teaching and learning process of class VIIID of SMPN 2 Wonosari. Then, the researcher also interviewed the English teacher and some of the students to get some information about the current condition of the teaching and learning process. It also included the weaknesses and suggestions which could be used to make the teaching and learning process better.

a. Identification of the Field Problems

The findings of the problem were based on the observation and interviews. The observation was done on January 22 nd , 2014. The result of the observation can be seen in the vignette as follows.