Identification of the Problem


D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem and the limitation of the problem presented above, the research question can be formulated in this question. How can picture series be used to improve the writing ability of the eighth grade students at SMPN 2 Wonosari?

E. The Objective of the Study

Related to the formulation of the problem, the aim of the study is to improve the writing ability of the eighth grade students at SMPN 2 Wonosari by using picture series.

F. Significance of the Study

1. For English teachers of SMPN 2 Wonosari The research can be used as a reference for teachers in selecting appropriate media in teaching writing in order to improve the students’ writing ability. 2. For the students of Grade VIII in SMPN 2 Wonosari The result of the research can be used to give the students new experience and motivation to help them to improve their writing ability. 3. For further research This study can be a useful source for other researchers who conduct research on using picture series to improve the writing skill or other skills. 8 4. For Course Book Writers The result of the research can be used as a reference in designing course books which give information that pictures series can be used in writing activities. 5. For Material Developers The findings of the research can be used as references in developing teaching materials in the writing lesson. 9


A. Review of Theories

1. Theories of Writing

a. Definitions of Writing

Writing is one of the four language skills that has to be learned by students at school. Writing is the last stage that students have to learn after they are able to listen, speak, and read. Writing is an important skill that helps students to communicate in the form of writing. As stated by Brown 2001: 3 education including numeracy and literacy is desirable for the whole population, not only for the efficient running of society, but also for fulfillment and advancement of individuals. Because of this reason, it is important for students to have a good writing ability. However, writing is not as simple as writing symbols and words but writing is a more complex activity. Writing is different from speaking which can be naturally acquired as it gets a lot of exposure. Grabowski 1996 in Weigle 2002 states that writing, as compared to speaking, can be seen as a more standardized system which must be acquired through special instruction. On the other hand, writing has to be learned consciously because there are many aspects that have to be considered and paid attention to make a good piece of writing. Writing belongs to the productive skill as it produces languange to communicate. Spratt, Pulverness, and Williams 2005:26 state that writing and speaking belong to productive skill because speaking and writing produce