Research Procedures RESEARCH METHOD



This chapter presents the research findings and the discussion. There will be three sections in this chapter. The first section presents the processes of the research, the second section reports the findings, and the third section presents the discussion of the research.

A. Research Findings

1. Reconnaissance

In reconnaissance, some activities were conducted to find problems in the field. First, an observation was done to know the teaching and learning process of class VIIID of SMPN 2 Wonosari. Then, the researcher also interviewed the English teacher and some of the students to get some information about the current condition of the teaching and learning process. It also included the weaknesses and suggestions which could be used to make the teaching and learning process better.

a. Identification of the Field Problems

The findings of the problem were based on the observation and interviews. The observation was done on January 22 nd , 2014. The result of the observation can be seen in the vignette as follows. 51 Vignette January 22 nd , 2014 VIII D classroom The teacher entered the classroom and then greeted the students. Before starting the lesson, the teacher asked the students to clean the class by picking the rubbish. The teacher began the lesson by asking the students what topic they learned in the last meeting. Only some of the students answered. The teacher then asked the students to mention some words related to the topic. Only one student voluntarily wanted to answer. Not all of the students wanted to participate. Some of the students were talking by themselves. Then, the teacher asked the student to point his friends to answer. After that, the teacher asked the students to read the words together. There were some words that the students pronounced them in the wrong way so the teacher asked them to check it in the dictionary on how to pronounce them. However, not all of the students brought dictionaries during the English lesson. After that, they read the words again. The teacher then asked the students about the word class of the words, whether they belong to noun or verb. Many of the students did not understand the questions and did not respond to the teacher’s questions. The lesson then continued to discuss about the recount text. The teacher checked the students’ homework where they had to write some events in their holiday. However, not all the students did their homework because some of them did not know what they were going to write. Then, the teacher asked them to continue to do the homework and asked two other students to write their work on the white board. The students then asked to make a good paragraph based on the sentences which contained events using words of sequences. When the teacher asked them about words of sequences, only some students answered and the others kept silent. The students then started to write the paragraphs. Many of the students were confused about what to write and needed a long time to find the idea. The teacher walked around to help the students. The students who had difficulties asked the teacher but they still asked in Bahasa Indonesia and Javanese. Not all of the students could finish their writing on time. After that, the teacher asked some students to write their paragraphs on the white board and the others were asked to analyse their friends’ work. However, many of them did not pay attention and walked around in the class. There were also some students that looked sleepy during the class. The students then read aloud the paragraphs together. After that, the teacher asked whether there were some difficult words that they did not know. The teacher and the students then analysed the paragraphs together. There were some students who still used simple present tense in writing recount texts. There were also some of them used inappropriate words for a certain context and had difficulties in producing good sentences. After that, the teacher ended the class by saying goodbye. 52 Some interviews were done in order to get more information. The researcher interviewed the English teacher to know the condition of the teaching and learning process including the problems faced by the teacher and also the i nformation about the students’ ability. She also interviewed some of the students to know the problems they faced in learning English especially the writing skill. After the data were collected, she discussed the actions that would be implemented with the English teacher. Based on the result of the observation, interviews, and discussion, there were several problems identified during the teaching and learning process. The field problems can be seen in the following table. Table 4.1: Field Problems in the English Teaching and Learning Process of VIIID in SMPN 2 Wonosari No. Problems Code 1. The students gave little attention to the teacher’s explanation. S 2. The students frequently made noises during the class. S 3. The media used could not motivate and attract the students’ attention in the teaching and learning process. M 4. The teacher used insufficient media. M 5. The students had low motivation in learning. S 6. Some of the students did not do their homework. S 7. The students had difficulties in generating the idea of what to write. S 8. The students had limited vocabulary mastery. S 9. Some students had difficulties to arrange the sentences into good paragraphs. S 10. Some students showed low interest in answering the teachers questions. T continued 53 S: Students M : Media T: Teacher TM : Time management

b. Identification of the Field Problems to Solve

As mentioned in the beginning of Chapter I, the research focused on improving the students’ writing skills by using picture series. Therefore, the researcher decided to overcome the field problems based on the urgency level and the feasibility. The field problems to solve are presented in the table below: Table 4.2: Table of Field Problems to Solve No. Problems Necessary Feasible Urgent Not costly 1. The students gave little attention to the teacher’s explanation. X √ √ √ 2. The students frequently made noises during the class. √ X X √ 3. The media used could not motivate and attract the students’ attention in the teaching and learning process. √ √ √ √ 4. The teacher used insufficient media. √ √ √ √ continued continued No. Problems Code 11. The students were reluctant to open their dictionaries. S 12. The students had difficulties in using the correct grammar in writing. S 13 Students rarely spoke in English. S 14 Students found writing as a difficult skill to master. S 15 Not all of the students finished their work on time. TM