Text-Based Instruction Teaching Writing

30 Mohan et al. 2001 in Naz et al.2008 state that if the media are properly designed, skillfully produced and effectively used have great influence on teaching learning because they produce impact of: 1 saving time, 2 increasing interest, 3 holding attention, 4 clarifying ideas, 5 reinforcing concepts, 6 adding tone, 7 proving a point, 8 aiding memory. Based on the theory above, the use of media has good impacts in the teaching and learning process if the media are designed properly. Media can be in various forms. They can be in the form of videos, audios, pictures, and diagrams. Smaldino et al. 2005:9 mention six media used in learning and instruction. They are: a. Text. It is alphanumeric characters that can be displayed in various types of formats, such as book, poster, chalk board, and computer screen. b. Audio. It refers to anything that we can hear. It can be in the form of a person’s voice, music, mechanical sounds, and noise. It can be live or recorded. 31 c. Visual. It is highly used to promote learning. It can be in the form of diagrams on a poster, drawing on chalkboard, photographs or pictures, graphics in books, and cartoons. d. Motion media. They are media that show motion. Examples of motion media are video-tape and animations. e. Manipulatives. They are three dimensional media that can be touched and handled by the students. f. People. These can be teachers, students, or subject-matter experts. People are critical to learning because students learn from teacher, other students, and other people. Furthermore, in selecting the media, there are some factors that teachers need to be considered. Sugeng 2010:166-169 mentions four components to consider in selecting media. 1. The instructional components The instructional components in this case are the instructional objective, the learners, and the teacher. The first is about the instructional objective. There is always the learning objective in every learning process. Because of this reason, the teacher has to consider the learning objective in selecting the media to teach the students. The teacher should choose media that are suitable for the objective so that the media can function appropriately and effectively. The second is about the learners. The selecting of media should consider the learners’ characteristics. The media used should be suitable for the students’ 32 level of proficiency, competence, ability, needs, and interest. The third is about the teacher. Teachers can choose the media based on their preferences. 2. The instructional technique In this case, the teacher has to consider the learning technique used in the classroom interaction. It is because different techniques or methods used will use different media. 3. The situational factors The teacher has to consider the logistic and situational factors. For example, the time, and the cost needed in preparing the media. 4. Students’ involvement It is important that the media can improve the students’ involvement in the teaching and learning process. One of the characteristics of good classroom interaction is enough students’ involvement in the use of media. As summary, media make the teaching and learning process more effective and there are various media can be used to teach the students. One of the visual media can be used in the teaching and learning process is pictures. In this research, the researcher focused on the use of picture series as media in teaching writing.

i. Picture Series as Visual Media in Teaching Writing

As stated before there are many types of media can be used in teaching writing. Media plays some important roles in the teaching and learning process.