Write sentences related to the pictures in the left box.

169 2. A narrative is a text that tells a story and, in doing so, entertains the audience. The purpose of a narrative, other than providing entertainment, can be to make the audience think about an issue, teach them a lesson, or excite their emotions.  The steps for constructing a narrative text are:  an orientationin which the narrator tells the audience about WHO is in the story, WHEN the story is taking place and WHERE the action is happening  a complicationthat sets off a chain of events that influences what will happen in the story  A resolutionin which the characters solve the problem created in the complication  Language features: a. Use Simple Past Tense Simple past tense is used to express something that happened in the past. Pattern : S + Verb 2 For example: After Sidopekso killed her, he threw her dead body into the dirty river.. = regular verb Hansel and Gretel found treasure in the cottage = irregular verb b. Use action verbs: went, left c. Use of noun, adjective, conjunctions and time connectives

F. Method

Genre-based approach

G. Teaching and Learning Activities

Each meeting is always done with 3 phases, namely:

1. Opening Activity 5minutes:

 Greeting  Praying and Calling the roll  The teacher introduces the students about learning by sharing knowledge 170

2. Main Activity 70 minutes:

a. Building Knowledge of the Field

 Ss have question-answer activities with the T.  Ss read the model text.  Ss answers some questions related to the text.

b. Modeling of the Text

 Ss find the meanings of some difficult words in the text and discuss them with the T.  Ss discuss the content of the model text including the characters, the setting, the plot the ending, and the morale.  Ss discuss the generic structure and the language features of the text.  Ss complete a text with the past form of the verbs.  Ss find the meanings of some words.  Ss discuss the answers and the content of the text with the T.

c. Joint Construction of the Text

 Ss arrange jumbled sentences based on picture series in pairs.  Ss discuss the answers, the content and the generic structure of the text with the T.  Ss divide themselves in groups of 3-4 students.  Ss receive picture series with keywords.  Ss write some sentences related to the picture series in groups.  Ss to write their writing on the white board.  Ss’ discuss their writing and receive some feedback from T.

d. Independent Construction of the Text

 Ss receive picture series of The Frog Prince.  Ss answer some questions related to the pictures.  Ss write narrative texts based on the pictures individually. 171

3. Closing Activity 5 minutes:

 The T and Ss conclude the learning activities and the material.  The T ends the activities by saying parting expressions

4. Source of Materials

Priyana, J., Riandi, and Mumpuni, A. P. 2008. Scaffolding: English for Junior High School Students. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. http:shortstoriesshort.com http:www.youtube.comwatch?v=S2n0wKKrrZM http:www.youtube.comwatch?v=2QdhILjv-zA http:www.youtube.comwatch?v=DQSTlR7LtAE http:www.youtube.comwatch?v=rZqV1y3mtEw Retrieved from: 12 th February 2014 at 09.00 5. Media Picture series LCD, slides

6. Scoring Guidance

Max score for Task G = 100 Rubric for Writing Assessment Score Level Criteria Comment C O N T E N T 30-27 Excellent to very good : knowledgeable, substantive development of thesis, relevant to assigned topic 26-22 Good to average : sure knowledge of subject, adequate range, limited development of thesis, mostly relevant to topicbut still lacks detail 21-17 Fair to poor : limited knowledge of subject, little substance, inadequatedevelopment of topic