Identification of the Problem

b. The Teacher It is useful for English teachers to improve their teaching process and English teacher will be more creative in teaching writing. This research is expected to help her to find out the good technique for teaching writing. c. The Readers It may give some information to the readers about writing and the collaborative writing technique. d. The Writer She will get additional experience and knowledge fot the future. 7


As stated in the previous section, the aim of this research study is to improve students’ writing skills. Therefore, the discussion in this chapter will focus on the review of related theories underlying the study. The theory of writing, the collaborative writing technique, and narrative texts will be highlighted in this chapter.

A. Literature Review

1. Theory of Writing

a. The Definition of Writing

In the process of language learning, there are four language skills that must be learnt by the learners namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening and reading are categorized into receptive skills while speaking and writing are productive skills. Raimes 1983 states that writing is not just speech written down on paper. It means that writing is a form of the written language generally demands standard forms of grammar, organization, and vocabulary. It indicates that in writing, the writer should master the using of grammar and vocabulary to make the reader understand about what the writer writes. Moreover, Brown 2001 says writing is the written product of thinking, drafting, and revising that require specialized skills on how to generate ideas, how to organize them coherently, how to use discourse markers and rhetorical conventions coherently into a written text, how to revise texts for clearer meaning and how to edit text for appropriate grammar and how to produce a final products. Writing involves some language component spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation. Moreover, Harmer 2004 states that writing is the only skill which enables learners to produce a real product, in which the product is touchable, readable, as well as keep able for a long period of time. Furthermore, Perkins 2005 states that writing is a process that requires writers to develop a cognitive awareness of the writing choices available to them. In order for writers to make choices about their content and style, they need to be reminded and further informed about those choices open to them. From some definitions above, it can be concluded that writing is a process of discovering ideas and discovering how to organize them. It involves critical thinking to communicate one’s thoughts. It is products of thinking, drafting, and revising which needs some mental efforts that must be combined and arranged. It is a combination of processes and products. It has to be deliberately cultivated. It means at the time of collecting the ideas that create text that can be read by readers who is a product of the activities undertaken by the author.

b. Micro skills and Macro skills in Writing

According to Brown 2001 there are two categories of writing skills. They are micro and macro skills. Micro skills and macro skills assist us in defining the ultimate criterion of an assessment procedure. Micro skills of writing are appropriate applied to imitative and intensive types of writing task, while macro skills of writing are essential for the successful mastery of responsive and extensive writing.