119 THE COURSE GRID OF THE TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS OF GRADE VIII E OF SMPN 6 MAGELANG IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 20142015 School : SMPN 6 Magelang Grade : VIII E Subject : English Language Semester : 2 Core competence: 4.1 Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyajidalamranahkonkret menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat dan ranah abstrak menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandangteori. Basic competence: 4.18. Menangkap makna teks naratif lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fable pendek dan sederhana penggunaannya Learning Objectives Indicators Teaching and Learning Activities Learning Materials Media Input Text Time Allocation At the end of the lesson, students are able to write a narrative text in the form of a fable. 1. Students are able to identify the generic structure of the narrative text. 2. Students are able to identify the use of the simple past tense in the

A. Observing

1. Students read a text entitled “A Wolf in Sheep Clothing ”. 2. In groups, students make a list things that they want to know further about the text. A fable sets out to teach the reader or listener a lesson they should learn about life. The narrative drives towards the closing moral statement, the fable’s theme: the early bird gets the worm, where there’s a will there’s a way, work hard and always plan ahead for lean A white board Written Text 5 X40 Minutes 120 narrative text. 3. Students are able to identify the signal words used in the narrative text. 4. Students are able to use V2 in the narrative text. 5. Students are able to modify V1 form into V2 form in the texts. 6. Students are able to rearrange the jumble words into good orders. 7. Students are able to rearrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph. 8. Students are able to rearrange the jumbled paragraph into a good text based on the generic structure of the narrative text. 9. Students are able to write a narrative text in

B. Questioning

1. In groups, Students make a list of questions according to things that they want to know further that they have listed before. 2. Students also make temporary answers of the questions that they have formulated. 3. Students with the teacher discussed the text further. 4. Students are given time to ask any question related to the material. C. Collecting Information 1. Students reread the text. 2. Students study about the social function of the text, the generic structure of the text and language features used in the text. 3. Students study and find more explanation times, charity is a virtue. The generic structure of the text:  Orientation: It introduces the participants which involve in the story.  Complication: It brings the rising conflict.  Resolution: It comes to a solution for the complication. In narrative texts, a resolution can be happy ending or sad ending. The language features of a narrative text are often: • presented in spoken or written form; • toldwritten in first or third person I, we, she, it, they; • toldwritten in past tense sometimes in present tense; Past tense: S + V2 • Chronological plot or content have a chronology of events that happened in a particular order; • Using signal time then, next, afterwards, just then, an hour later etc. • Direct and indirect speech.