Overview of the Suggestion in Main Field Testing Measurement Data

171 represented one of Javanese wedding structure, called siraman. Furthermore, within Unit 2, the pictures which represented panggih and wedding party were not really clear. Therefore, the new pictures used already represented more appropriate pose so that the students would directly recognize that the pictures are pictures in panggih and wedding party. Related to the inappropriate arrangement of pictures, pictures of food in Unit 5 were then rearranged randomly since the students were asked to choose the correct picture of food based on their partner’s food description. Secondly, the suggestion dealt with contents of the input. In Unit 4, the students asked for an example to be provided in the warming up activity. Therefore, an example of sentence that represented the provided wedding brochure was provided, so that the students could make use of it as their guideline. Furthermore, in Unit 3, the students learned about expressions of asking and giving opinions. Some expressions were provided there, however, the students felt difficult in applying several expressions which were considered as unfamiliar. Therefore, the unfamiliar expressions of asking and giving opinions were omitted. Meanwhile, related to the contents in wedding contract in unit 6, some descriptions were simplified. Thirdly, in dealing with instructions in step 3 of project-based learning, in the implementation, the future practitioner or teacher should be maximum in explaining the demand in step 3. Forthly, related to the demand on having a longer materials implementation, this suggestion was placed to the suggestions for the future researcher or practictioner in chapter 5. This would also relate to the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 172 arrangement of the syllabus as well as lesson plans in the future material implementation. 173


This chapter consists of three parts, namely research results, implications, and recommendation. The first part discusses the summary of the research. Furthermore, in the second part, there will be a disucssion about implications. The last part will deal with recommendations for the material users and future researchers.


This research was conducted to answer three research questions: 1 What is the conceptual model of English materials for wedding organizers?, 2 What is the development product of English for wedding organizers?, and 3 How is the acceptability of the development product of English for wedding organizers?. In answering the first research question, the researcher adapted the combination of RD cycle and Instructional Design Model IDM as the framework. The combination covers: 1 research and information collecting with instructional problems and learner characteristics, 2 planning with task analysis, instructional objectives, content sequencing, instructional strategies, planning, and project management, 3 preliminary form of product with designing the message, development of the instruction, and support services, 4 preliminary field testing with summative evaluation, 5 main product revision with revision, 6 main field testing with evaluation instruments, formative evaluation, implementation, and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 174 summative evaluation, and 7 operational product revision with revision. Moreover, the conceptual model was validated through the questionnaires and interview. The results show that the conceptual need to be revised. To answer the second research, there were three sets of module produced, namely students ’ course book, teacher’s book, and students’ worksheet, as the results. Firstly, the students ’ course book consisted of seven units. Those seven units were 1 You Need a Professional Like Us, 2 Do You Know Your Wedding Structure?, 3 Venue, Photographer, Caterer. What Else?, 4 That’s a Very Kind Offer from Us, 5 Which Indonesian Menu Will You Prefer?, 6 Here is Our Wedding Contract, and 7 Finally, Your Big Day is Coming. Furthermore, every unit contained five phases reflecting task-based learning framework. Firstly, Let’s Begin phase is aimed at recallying students’ prior knowledge about particular topic being learned. Secondly, Let’s Prepare phase is a phase to give input to the students. Thirdly, Let’s Do It phase consists the big project of the unit to be accomplished in group. Forthly, Let’s Learn phase has purpose to learn language focus of the unit. Lastly, Let’s Reflect phase will give the students a time to reflect what have been learned. In dealing with project-based learning framework, the processes implemented in the teaching and learning process derived from Stoller 1997, as quoted in Richards and Renandya 2002 were 1 agree on a theme for the project, 2 determine the final outcome, 3 structure the project, 4 prepare students for the language demands of step 5, 5 gather information, 6 prepare students for the language demands of step 7, 7 compile and analyze information, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI