Educational Research and Development R D

38 Task analysis, as the third element, can also be called determination of what contents to include in the designing process. This element deals with determining knowledge and procedures that will be given by the learners to meet the objectives Morrison et al., 2011: p. 15. In other words, by doing this step, the researcher can know what the contents that will be used, as well as the arrangement of the contents itself. The fourth element is instructional objectives. This element focuses on creating the target points for the learners to master in a form of objectives, both in a general and specific way. Morrison et al. 2011 state that: The objectives are as one of our quality checks to make sure that the instruction including the learning activities we develop is focused on solving the performance problem p. 16. When the materials consist of several units, the instructional objectives then are created for also each step. This aims to make the objectives specific and clear for both the learners and the instructor before executing the materials in the classroom. The fifth element is content sequencing. According to Morrison et al. 201 1, “the order in which the information is presented plays an important role in helping the learner understand and learn the information” p. 16. In the designed materials, this element can be applied to the unit arrangement. By considering the results in the tasks analysis, arranging the contents correctly can make the learners easy to follow implementation of the materials. As the sixth element, instructional strategies element demands the researcher’s creativity and consideration related to the arrangement of the contents 39 in each unit. Morrison et al. 2011 suggest that “it involve designing creative and sometimes innovative ways of presenting the information that help the learner integrate the new i nformation” p. 16. Previously, it has been already stated that this research will adapt task-based learning and project-based learning. Therefore, the instructional strategies that the researcher proposed refer to those two kinds of learning framework. Designing the message is the seventh element. In this element, there is the process of selecting the materials in forms of words and pictures, or even graphic texts. Morrison et al. 2011 mention that “the message is the pattern of words and pictures we cr eate to communicate with our learners” p. 16. In designing the message of the materials, here, the researcher will refer to the material adaption as stated previously. When selecting the materials, the researcher takes many references for the appropriate one to be put in the materials. The purpose of the instruction development, as the eighth element, is to put all the materials together in a good order, based on the sequence of the contents and instructional strategies that are already executed before. According to Morrison et al. 2011, “this involves putting all the parts together to produce instruc tional materials” p. 16. It can be said that this step is the final step before entering the evaluation step. Therefore, the product of this step should be in a form of complete materials, including other supporting components such as keywords, listening transcript, and printable handouts. The ninth element is evaluation instruments. To know whether the learners can master the materials that have been already arranged, the learners can be PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 given evaluation. Morrison et al. 2011 suggest that “some objectives are easily assessed by any kinds of methods such as multiple- choice test items or portfolio” p. 17. This step of the instructional design will be conducted when the researcher implements the materials. By looking at the figure, the instructional design model also has two outer ovals. The elements involved are presented in a different way since they are in ongoing processes. Refer to the nine elements in inner oval, the elements in the two outer ovals can be utilized in whenever they are needed. The presentation of the elements will make the figure more flexible to be conducted. The elements in two outer ovals are planning and project management, support services, formative evaluation and revision, implementation, summative evaluation, and confirmative evaluation. The first element is planning and project management. According to Morris on et al. 2011, “these two processes are essential for developing and managing the schedule an d budget for a project” p.17. These two processes are the processes for the implementation of the materials. Determining the syllabus and timeline of the teaching and learning program will be done at this element. The second element is support services. Since this research develops only seven steps of R D, therefore, it is considered as a small project. Morrison et al. 2011 suggest that “for smaller projects and those with a short time frame, the instructional designed might provide all the services required, from typographer to evaluator to graphic artist” p. 17. Here, students’ book, as well as teacher’s book and students’ workbook can be considered as support services.