Instructional Problems Research and Information Collecting

92 b Theme 2: Integrated English skills with speaking as a major skill Dealing with English in the workplace like wedding organization is also dealing with all four language skills. The stakeholders agreed to integrate the language skills. In organizing wedding, the most important language skill is speaking skill. Furthemore, the others are also important to use in particular purposes. As the following stakeholder said about the division of English language skills: For my own job, speaking is the first demand as I will speak to the clients in the beginning. The second demand is writing as after that I become a co-respondent and should know many related vocabs and terms in wedding. Next is reading as I should also read their emails too. And the last is listening. On translation; F Ie 25 – Ie 29; page 238-239. Another experience was also said by another stakeholder. Speaking skill was mentioned first and the others follow. The following is part of the interview transcript. The first is speaking. Next is listening. And then reading. Writing is also important as we should reply their emails or messages. For example, we ask them why they have not come yet to the meeting. So the order is speaking, listening, writing, and reading. On translation; B Ir 17 – Ie 23; page 215-216. Different from the first example, the example above talk about the rest of the skills differently. The next example of the agreement of speaking skill as the most important skill can also be seen from the following interview transcript part. As this stakeholder said that: In wedding organizer? The most important skill is speaking. For communication. Then, listening. I thought reading and writing are less important, but they are important particularly to make rundown, contract, etc. On translation; C Ie 15; page 223. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 93 Looking at the three parts of the interview transcripts from the stakeholders above and also supported by the other stakeholders, it can be concluded that most stakeholders agreed that speaking holds an essential need in delivering communication in their workplace, particularly in the integration of the English skills. c Theme 3: A communicative approach to learn English A communicative approach becomes an expected way of learning English. This was proposed by most stakeholders in their interview sessions. By looking at the nature of becoming wedding organizer, it is clearly seen that skill of communication is really required. Each of team member should be communicative enough in building relationship with the clients and cooperative enough when guests come and ask them particular on-the-spot questions. This following part of interview transcript represents the topic. The main idea is on daily conversation first. Looking for a way to make them confident in speaking and to fade out their anxiety is also important. They are hoped to be able to speaking with the clients independently. On translation; A Ie 23; page 210. Not only the way to communicate with foreign clients, the skill to persuade is also required. However, the goal of persuasion can be achieved if the members also already mastered the speaking skill. As the stakeholder said: So, you can think about role play between team members and foreign clients as an alternative activity in the classroom. And try as if they promote their services. Also, make it in such ways for persuading clients to use their services and uniqueness. On translation; A Ie 33; page 212. 94 Another practical way of teaching and learning is also proposed by another stakeholder. The need of practicality is considered due to team members’ tight schedule also. The following is the part of the interview transcript. I mean, the teaching style or method should cover more on practices. Say for example, role play. On translation; F Ie 32; page 239. Three parts of interview transcript above already represent the need of a communicative way for the learner to learn English. Practices are more demanded than theories or any other monotonous learning form. Thus, team members can learn English through a communicative way. As the conclusion of the three themes of coding analysis above, here are the implications obtained: 1 The materials would be really needed and required in the workplace, particularly on wedding organization. 2 The materials would integrate all four English skills. Moreover, speaking skill would take more portion or role than other skills. 3 The materials would apply communicative teaching and learning approach.

b. Learner Characteristics

The purpose of distributing some questionnaires to the team members of six different wedding organizers was that to generally obtain team member s’ characteristics. The results of this was also to draw a possibility to apply the designed materials for not only one team member of wedding organizer, but also for other team members. Therefore, generalizing idea and perceptions of the team members would bring a good basic knowledge for the designed materials. The questionnaires were distributed on the same day with the interview schedule. In 95 the questionnaires, there are two topics. The first topic was about team members’ perception toward the use of English, covering purpose, problem, and expectation. This topic was delivered in open-ended questions. The second topic was about team members’ perceptions toward the importance of English skills, which was packaged in a version of Likert scale. The data of the questionnaire can be seen in the appendix. 1 Team Members’ Perceptions toward the Use of English: Purpose, Problem, and Expectation Since the questions of this topic were served in open-ended questions, the data analysis of the results will cover coding categorization. As there were four questions, therefore, there were also four themes as the representations of the questions. Those four themes were 1 learning English for communicating with foreign clients, 2 speaking is the most important skill of all, 3 problems encountered in using English, and 4 conversation and practice to be included in the designed materials. The data can be seen in Appendix B on page 202-204. a Theme 1: Learning English for communicating with foreign clients Most of team members of six different wedding organizers agreed that they need English to communicate with foreign clients. Some examples of their answers that indicated the need of communication can be seen from the following. [1] “To be able to speak fluently with our foreign clients.” [2] “To smoothly build the communication.” [3] “To help them read: foreign clients to get the information they are looking for .” [4] “To maintain the communication between the foreign clients and the wedding organizer .” [5] “To make an easier communciation and avoid misunderstanding.” 96 In filling in the open- ended questionnaire, the team members’ answers indicate the use of English to communicate with foreign clients. The sample of answers above have contained the word ‘communication’ several times. Meanwhile, the other samples also show that they use English to communicate with foreign clients, especially by using the speaking ability. b Theme 2: Speaking is the most important skill of all Bringing the same major answers with the answers of the stakeholders in the previous interview analysis, the team members agreed that the most important skill is speaking. The examples of answers to support the conclusion above can be seen below. [1] “Speaking. Because it is definitely for speaking with foreign clients.” [2] “Speaking. Because we have to directly communicate with people.” [3] “Speaking, because using English to communicate makes us easier to explain everything related to clients’ needs.” [4] “Speaking. Because when I have a meeting with client who does not know Indonesian language, I can tell himher using English fluently.” [5] “Speaking. Because we choose to meet the clients directly.” The sample answers above indicate that speaking as the most important skill to be used in their workfield. In other words, speaking skill is also expected to be the skill that is trained more in the materials rather than other skills. In the materials, the speaking skill will be integrated with other skills. Consequently, the portion of the speaking skill will be more than other English skills. c Theme 3: Problems on micro skill are encountered in using English One question in the questionnaire was about team members’ problems that were encountered in using English. Most of team members’ answers indicate the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 97 micro skill problems. The examples of them can be seen from the following examples of answers. [1] “Easy to forget particular vocabulary items and confuse in arranging words.” [2] “Sometimes I don’t know what they are talking about due to unclear pronunciation .” [3] “Vocabulary, idiom, meaning.” [4] “Pronunciation.” [5] “Grammar and vocabulary.” By looking at the results of sample answers of the questionnaire above, the word ‘vocabulary’, ‘pronunciation’, and ‘grammar’ occur. These words are classified into micro skills of English language. As the implication to the materials development, these micro skills would be included in the teaching and learning process. d Theme 4: Conversation and practice to be included in the designed materials As the suggestion to the designed materials, most of team members agreed that such practical way of teaching and learning process became an alternative way implemented in the classroom. The following examples of answers showed the conclusion above. [1] “It should be practical, not really serious, and really interesting.” [2] “Focus more on conversations. We need more direct interaction. Yet, listening and reading would be good also to be inserted to help us.” [3] “The materials that will really help us. Directly on speaking, please.” [4] “An effective method and tips to speak easily. And also interesting materials that make us easier to remember.” [5] “Real practice.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 98 The answers from the open-ended questionnaire above indicate that the students expected materials that contain practical activities. The practical activities are in form of real practice and conversation. Therefore, as the implication, the materials would consist of conversation and practice. These activities would also train the students’ speaking ability as well. To conclude those four themes extracted from the open-ended questionnaires above, some implications can be used as the guideline to design the materials. The implications are as follows: 1 The materials would use a communicative approach. 2 The focus of the materials would be more on speaking ability, yet still integrating English four skills. 3 The micro skills of English skills would be considered in the materials. 2 Team M embers’ Perceptions toward the Importance of English Skills This topic was a part of the questionnaire whose type was mini Likert scale. By so, team members could decide which one becomes the most important skill, whether it is reading, writing, listening, or speaking skill. The following table shows the results of the descriptive statistics analysis. Table 4.3. The Descriptive Statistics Analysis of Likert Scale toward the Importance of English Skills