This chapter is aimed at discovering the logical truth of the designed materials for wedding organizers. Concept relations in this chapter are to represent the universal truth. They will be used to argue for answering the research questions. There are two parts in this chapter, namely theoretical review and theoretical framework. The first part focuses on some related theories used in this research. The second part focuses on a synthesis of related theories and research procedure.


In this section, the researcher discusses eleven related theories for guiding the researcher to design the materials. The presented theories in this section are: 1 English for Occupational Purposes EOP, 2 Second Language Teaching and Learning Theory, 3 Wedding Organizer, 4 Communicative Skills in English at the Workplace, 5 Project-Based Learning, 6 Task-Based Learning, 7 Educational Research and Development R D, 8 Instructional Design Model IDM, 9 Materials Adaption, 10 materials evaluation, and 11 related studies as the references for the researcher to design the materials.

1. English for Occupational Purposes EOP

Due to the limited time that the learners have in the workfield, the researcher proposed English for Specific Purposes ESP, particularly on English for Occupational Purposes EOP, to be an appropriate approach for the learners. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 Furthermore, electing EOP to be part of the designed materials is based on the target research’s working background which is wedding organizer. Hutchinson and Waters 1987 state: ESP are divided into two major types, they are English for Academic Purposes EAP and English for work or training EOPEVPVESL: English for Occupational PurposesEnglish for Vocational PurposesVocational English as a Second Language p. 22. Furthermore, ESP brings a real world to the learners in the classroom as ESP materials support learning through any interactive activities based on the learners’ background knowledge Hutchinson Waters, 1987: p. 107; Robinson, 1991: p. 2; Mackay Mountford, 1978: p. 4. As Dudley-Evans and St. John 1998 state that “ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners” p. 4. In this research, the learners’ background which brings specific needs is about wedding organization itself. Since the learners are members of wedding organizers, occupational field has been really closed to their lives. They have been through many experiences of organizing wedding previously. Furthermore, considering the use of English in wedding organization, the English that will be utilized in the designed materials will be about both expressions and utterances that the wedding organizers usually deliver or show when they communicate with both local and foreign clients. EOP is a part of ESP, which means that there is further specificity of use of English in ESP. Therefore, kind of English in EOP is more specific to its use in the occupational field. To provide clear explanation about English language teaching branches that makes EOP to be under ESP, the following is the figure of the branches proposed by Hutchinson and Walters 1994.