66 four members of the students. Based on Denaya Production ’s policy, these four members were considered as members who always work in both small and big wedding events. Furthermore, if there are wedding events need more people to be the committee, the wedding organizer would take other friends who were considered as part-time workers. Having only four members as the students is considered as the limitation of this research.

c. The respondents in Preliminary Field Testing

In preliminary field testing, the materials were evaluated. The respondents who became the evaluators were one student and three alumni of English Language Studies in Sanata Dharma University. These four respondents would contribute in the research through their comments as well as suggestions to the designed materials through interviews, questionnaires, and field notes. The following table would outline the respondents’ background. Table 3.2. The Description of Evaluators Background Blank Group of Evaluators Gender Educational Background Experience year Female Male S1 S2 S3 1 1-5 10 Evaluator 1 Evaluator 2 Evaluator 3 Evaluator 4

d. The respondents in Main Field Testing

In main field testing step, the materials were implemented to the classroom. The learners as the respondents in this step were the members of Denaya Production. The learners would contribute to a complete course, starting from taking the pre-test and post-test up to their contribution in being interviewed as forms of both formative and summative evaluation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 67 Additionally, as the practitioner of the materials, the researcher herself is as the teacher. The roles of the researcher in this step were both teaching the materials, as well as facilitating the students with project-based learning, and interviewing the students related to their perception to the implementation of task- based and project-based learning.


As each step of RD needs data, therefore, the data gathering is required. The data will be used to give the interpretation of each step and to show whether the materials are acceptable or not. This section consists of data gathering technique and data gathering instruments. The data gathering technique acquired in this research were survey, interview, field notes, and test. Whereas, the data gathering instruments are questionnaire, interview protocol, and test items.

1. Data Gathering Technique

Since the data in this research were both qualitative and quantitative data, therefore the technique to gather data in each of them were also different. The data gathering technique for qualitative data was interview and observation, whereas the data gathering technique for quantitative data was survey and test.

a. Survey

Conducting survey was aimed at gathering data from large amount of respondents through questionnaires. What was meant by large amount of respondents here was that the members of several wedding organizers in Yogyakarta. According to Gall et al. 2007, “a survey is a method of data PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI