Teaching Speaking Speaking Skill

20 learners to give short answer. The limitation aims to make conversation manageable. The second one is meant to use quasi-communication. It is used to help the learners practice using English in their conversation. Other writer, Kayi 2006 on the TESL journal proposed six activities in teaching speaking, namely group interaction, discussion, dialogue, role play, interviews, and presentation.

3. English for Specific Purposes

English for the Junior KYM Sisters in this study is a part of English for Specific Purposes ESP as explained in the previous chapter. In this section, the writer would like to discuss four elements of ESP program. They are the nature of ESP, the definition of ESP, the criteria of ESP, and the classification of ESP.

a. The Nature of ESP

English for Specific Purposes is not a program that appears suddenly but it develops from times to times. According to Hutchinson and Waters 1987, English for Specific Purposes is not a planned or coherent movement, but it grows as times flies in some convergences trends p. 6. There are three main reasons that influence the development of ESP program. They are the demands of a brave new world, the revolution in linguistics, and focus on the learners. The first is the demands of a brave new world. The demands of a brave new world have created a world combined and dominated by two forces. The two forces are technology and commerce. These two forces were required for an international language that is English. As a result, most of people have to learn English. They learnt English not because they want to increase prestige of 21 knowing the language. However, English has already become a key to the international currencies of technology and commerce. The second is the revolution on linguistics. At the beginning, linguistics aims to describe the rules of English usage that is grammar. However, the new studies modify that language is used for a real communication. In short, English is needed by certain groups and linguistics features can be used to identify l earners’ needs. The third is focus on the learner. The development in educational psychology gives the essential contribution on the development of ESP. Based on psychology’s perspective, learners have different needs and interests in learning. This point of view becomes an inspiration for ESP to develop the program in which the program is relevant to the learners’ needs. Hence, the learners can learn faster and effectively.

b. Definition of ESP

English for Specific Purposes has been described by some researchers and writers. Mackay notes that the term of ESP is generally used to refer to the teaching or learning of a foreign language for clearly effective purposes as cited in Robinson, 1980, p. 6. Hutchinson and waters 1987 describe ESP as an approach in the language teaching where the materials, methods, and other contents are based on learners’ needs in learning p. 19. In addition, Dudley- Evans and John 1998 state that definition of ESP consists of two characteristics, namely absolute and variable p. 4. ESP as an absolute characteristic means ESP is designed to see specific needs of the learners. Moreover, ESP is centered on the 22 language grammar, lexis, and register with the appropriate methodology. ESP as variable characteristic means ESP can be related to specific purposes, in specific teaching situations, and different methodology from that of general English. The methodology in ESP teaching means the nature of interaction between the teacher and the learners is more intensive than in a general English class. It happens because the focus in ESP is on training while in general English is on education. Based on previous three definitions can be concluded that ESP program is a program which focuses on specific pur poses; based on learners’ needs, and learners’ needs will determine the content of the materials.

c. Criteria of ESP

ESP as a program of learner-centered has some criteria. According to Robinson 1991, the criteria of ESP are: 1. ESP is a Program Goal-Directed. Basically, learners have to learn English because they need English for their work purposes, not because they are interested in English. Hence, all the materials and learning act ivities should be suitable for learners’ needs. 2. ESP Program Should be Based on Needs Analysis. Needs analysis aims to specify what the learners should do through the medium of ESP. In collecting data to analyze the learners’ needs, there are several things need to be considered. They are personal information of the learners, English language information of the learners, and information about the environment in which the course will be run.