The Blue Print of the Interview


2. Listing Topics as Apart of Task Analysis

This step aims to determine the list of the topics that will be taught. After analyzing the findings, the writer made a list of the topics for the learners. The topics were gained from the questionnaires findings. The writer provided eight topics in the questionnaire but merely four topics were used in designing the materials. The writer used four topics because the designed materials will be used for eight meetings around a month. The topics were arranged based on the top rankings which were chosen by the participants. The topics are organized as follows: Table 4.6. The Topics of the Design Materials No. Language functional Topical 1 Introducing self New place, new friends 2 Asking for and offering help Helping fellow Sisters in nunnery 3 Promoting KYM Congregation The review of KYM profile 4 Visiting sick people Pastoral care in the parish However, in the designed materials the writer placed “Asking for and offering help” in the second sequence. The reason was to help the learners learn first from the small scope. At the beginning, the learners will learn how to introduce themselves and how to ask for and offer help in nunnery. Furthermore, the learners will learn from the bigger scope in which learners interact with other people outside the nunnery. The learners will learn how to promote KYM Congregation and how to express their attention to people who are sick in the parish. 55

3. Writing instructional Objectives

The next step was about the objectives. The writer formulated the objectives of each topic. The objectives aim to specify what learners would be able to do after the learning process. The list of the objectives is specified as follows: Table 4.7. The Objectives of the Design Materials No Language functions Topics Objectives 1 New place, new friends Introducing self Learners are able to:  Use the expressions of introducing self in a conversation appropriately.  Practice how to introduce themselves to others and introduce others in a real conversation well. 2 Helping fellow Sisters in nunnery Asking for and offering help Learners are able to:  Use the expressions of asking for and offering help in daily conversation well.  Practice how to ask for and offer help to fellow Sisters in a real communication. 3 Promoting KYM Congregation The review of KYM profile. Learners are able to:  Introduce the KYM Congregation to others correctly. 4. Visiting sick people Pastoral care in the parish Learners are able to:  Use the expressions of showing care to others in a real conversation well. 56

4. Developing Instructional Material Strategy

Instructional strategy in this step is used to help learners practice during the learning process. The writer listed five instructional activities for each unit as follows:

a. Warming-Up Activity

This part is used to start the class and it is placed in the beginning of the meeting. The aim of the activity is to introduce learners the topic that will be learnt. In this section, the learners deal with questions and work in pairs in order to prepare the learners to get ready to follow the lesson.

b. Conversation Practice

In this section, the writer provided simple conversation which is related to the topic. The learners will use the dialogue in speaking practice section. Also, the learners will learn a little about cultural context related to the expressions that used in the conversation.

c. Language in Use

In this part, the writer provided some expressions used related to the topics that will be learnt by the learners. It aims to introduce the learners some useful expressions and knowledge. Hence, the learners can use the expressions to convey the idea to other in their daily conversation.

d. Exercises

This part consists of some exercises. He learners deal with some exercises and they have to do the exercises independently and also in pairs. The aim of this section is to the give learners chance to practice more in speaking.