36 three Sisters from Surabaya, and four Sisters from Bekasi. The participants are between 24-32 years old.

2. Participants of Material Validation

a. KYM Sister

One of the participants of material validation was a KYM Sister and she is an English teacher. The Sister gave feedback and evaluation to the designed materials.

b. Experts

The other participants of the materials validation were two experts from lecturers of English Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University. The Sister and experts would be given questionnaires and proposed the designed materials in order to evaluate the existing material.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

In this study, the writer used two kinds of instruments, namely questionnaires and an interview. The instruments were used to get information about Junior KYM Sisters’ needs, interests and characteristics. Furthermore, the writer also used post-designed questionnaires to get evaluation from the evaluators.

a. Questionnaire

Gall, Gall, and Borg 2006 state that questionnaire is a written form that contains questions to be answered by the respondents. The other expert, Wilson and McLean state , “questionnaire is an instrument for collecting survey 37 information, often numerical data being able to be administered without the presence of the researcher, and often being comparatively straightforward to analyze” as cited in Cohen, Manion, Morrison, 2003, p. 245. In this study, the writer used two types of questionnaire. They were: closed-ended questionnaire and open-ended questionnaire. The type of questionnaire used for participants was a close-ended questionnaire. Closed-ended questionnaire used to gain information from the participants. Closed questions are the questions which are constructed by providing some answers or choices to be chosen by the participants. The questionnaires for the participants wrote in Indonesian. The reason was to help the participants answer the questions easily. The writer provided 26 closed-questions by providing some answers or choices to be chosen by the participants. The participants just choose the best answer based on their experiences. The types of questionnaires used for the evaluators were closed-ended questionnaire in form of Likert scales and open-ended questionnaire. A Likert scale is a type of closed-question where researcher provides a range of responses or statements to be chosen by the evaluators of the study. Open-ended question is a type of questionnaire in which the respondents have a chance to give their personal comment and researcher might have a depth response from the respondents. Thus, open-ended questions are used to get feedback, evaluation, and recommendations from the evaluators. The writer provided 12 closed-ended questions and 2 open-ended questions for the evaluators in order to evaluate the existing materials. In the