The Nature of Speaking The Process of Speaking

18 As a result, most of the language learners are afraid to speak because they are not sure about their pronunciation. For instance, the language learners may know a particular written word in their mind but unable to articulate it because they are not sure of its pronunciation. Thus, the conceptual preparation thinking about what to say, the formulation how to say words, and the articulation saying the words loudly in real conversation are three stages that contribute to speech production in speaking process.

c. Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking activity deals with some principles. Nunan 2003 formulates five principles of teaching speaking. The principles are: 1. Understanding between Second Language and Foreign Language Learning. The teacher needs to know about learners whether or not they are second language learners SL or foreign language learners FL. Foreign language learners are those who study English in a country where the English is not used as a language of communication in society. Second language learners are those who study English in a country where the English is used for communication in the society. 2. Giving Students Practice with Both Fluency and Accuracy. The teacher provides opportunity for the learners to practice and to encourage them to speak without being afraid to make mistakes. Also, the teacher helps learners use the target language correctly. Hence, the learners learn to use the language fluently and accurately. 19 3. Providing Opportunities for Students to Talk. The teacher creates atmosphere in which the learners will have a chance to speak more with their friends by using group work or pair work and limiting teacher talks. 4. Planning Speaking Tasks that Involve Negotiation for Meaning. In a conversation, the learners need to check whether or not heshe understands what someone talks about. Therefore, the teacher can design tasks in form of dialogues to the learners in order to help them practice and understand the content of the conversations. 5. Designing Classroom Activities for Transactional and Interactional Speaking. Speaking is close to conversations include both of transactional and interactional purposes. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to prepare a guidance and practice in both transactional and interactional speaking. Also, the teacher needs to know what the learners’ purposes to have a conversation are. In relation to speaking, Gebhard 1996 says, “when the purpose is transactional, the focus is primarily on the meaning of the me ssage” p. 169. For instance, a patient tells about her pains to a doctor. The next one, when the purpose of speaking is interactional, the focus is to keep social relations. For instance, greeting, complimenting, and chatting. However, most of the time conversations include both of interactional and transactional purposes. According to Gebhard 1996, there are some ways which can be used to teach speaking to the beginners. The first is to determine the scope limitation of the conversation through asking short question. Short question-types just require 20 learners to give short answer. The limitation aims to make conversation manageable. The second one is meant to use quasi-communication. It is used to help the learners practice using English in their conversation. Other writer, Kayi 2006 on the TESL journal proposed six activities in teaching speaking, namely group interaction, discussion, dialogue, role play, interviews, and presentation.

3. English for Specific Purposes

English for the Junior KYM Sisters in this study is a part of English for Specific Purposes ESP as explained in the previous chapter. In this section, the writer would like to discuss four elements of ESP program. They are the nature of ESP, the definition of ESP, the criteria of ESP, and the classification of ESP.

a. The Nature of ESP

English for Specific Purposes is not a program that appears suddenly but it develops from times to times. According to Hutchinson and Waters 1987, English for Specific Purposes is not a planned or coherent movement, but it grows as times flies in some convergences trends p. 6. There are three main reasons that influence the development of ESP program. They are the demands of a brave new world, the revolution in linguistics, and focus on the learners. The first is the demands of a brave new world. The demands of a brave new world have created a world combined and dominated by two forces. The two forces are technology and commerce. These two forces were required for an international language that is English. As a result, most of people have to learn English. They learnt English not because they want to increase prestige of